Nov 24, 2011 15:19
[It's a nice, autumn day with barely a breeze and Lavi is enjoying the somewhat warm weather with Monty. He's raked up piles and piles of leaves, pushing them together so that he could take Kanda out here later. Perhaps they could jump into the leaves together or maybe Kanda's new boyfriend could come and bring his Kanda and they all could enjoy the warmth given off by burning them when night fell. It could be a fun time for all of them to enjoy.
At the moment Monty is passed out in the sunshine, a rope toy near his mouth and the leash not too far off. He's had fun chasing the rake, falling leaves from the sky itself. Lavi looks at him with a smile, leaning against the rake and looking back over his shoulder at the huge pile he's got. Nose and ears red with cold, the tips of his fingers as well.]
✍Cade (inkdriedup),
☯Tyki Mikk (thedarkoutsider)