Check here for your transaction information and current shipping status.
Current transactions
kurtskitten → Trade (Marmalade Boy 7) → Items recieved/shipped 3/6/08/?
alanna_lioness → Trade (Electonic Psyduck/Bonkers/ES1) → Items recieved/shipped 3/6/08/?
zabixa → Purchase ($3; Keroppi pencil bag) → Payment recieved/shipped 3/12/08/?
flamablechica → Trade (Kare Kano vol. 2) → Item recieved/shipped 3/15/08/?
3rdratedstar → Purchase ($25; Alice) → Payment recieved/shipping 4/17/08
Completed transactions
captainardi → Trade (art for Pita-ten manga volumes 4-8) → complete
sarahpom83 → Purchase ($1.75; Pikachu necklace) → Payment recieved/shipped 2/11/08/complete
badtz313 → Trade (Calvin and Hobbes 10th/Drooling) → Items recieved/shipped 2/4/08/complete
luvdarain5 → Trade (Doujin/NANA vols. 1, 3) → Items recieved/shipped 2/8/08/complete
crasherwake → Purchase ($5.50; BK Cubone, Squirtle) → Payment recieved/shipped 2/6/08/complete
jedi_amara → Purchase (BK Togepi x2/Vileplume/Electabuzz, Kelloggs Pikachu) → Payment recieved/shipped 2/8/08/complete
hellcat_revenge → Trade (Psyduck beanie) → Items recieved/shipped 2/11/08/complete
kefanii → Purchase (BK Sandslash) → Payment recieved/shipping 2/13/08/complete
yumi_neko → Trade (Love Com/Love Com Live/???) → Items recieved/shipped 2/19/08/complete
raichu26 → Purchase (Sonic VHS/BK Gengar) → Payment recieved/shipped 2/19/08/complete
mrsmuraki → Trade (Mickey plush) → Items not recieved/shipped 3/15/08/complete
Misa at
Mangatude → Purchase ($30; misc) → Payment recieved/shipped 3/6/08/complete
moon_justice → Purchase ($28; SMS 1/Kelloggs Jigglypuff) → Payment recieved/shipped 3/15/08/complete
miawinner → Purchase (Hamtaro pencil toppers) → Payment recieved/shipped 3/29/08/complete
DoA user → Purchase ($190; Lishe SS-Dreaming head) → Payment recieved/shipped 3/29/08/complete