[Warden Filter - Visible to Mozenrath]
This is lunacy. If we have any intent to stop it, there must be some agreement on the conduct of the wardens and, as Paddy has stated, a formalized public knowledge of these rules.
Before I continue, I will say that there has been a code of conduct in the past. I have never seen it put into effect. Either we have forgotten it, or it was ineffective. There is now cause to remember it once more - or to create a new code.
There are far too many of us to make these decisions as a whole. I put forward that we elect a group amongst ourselves, not to act as a ruling board, but to act only once in this capacity. This...committee, for lack of a better word, will take into account the suggestions of their fellow inmates, create a code of conduct, and settle back into equality with their fellow wardens.
I further suggest that one inmate, delegated by the other inmates, and one graduated inmate be included in this task.
Concessions will have to be made by all parties, of course.
My suggestion for this panel is as follows:
Edward Sexby -> nominates Toshiko Sato
Morgan Adams
Agent K
Sam Tyler
Leia Organana -> nominates Captain James Kirk
Patrick Maguire
Obviously, the time has come for decisive, meaningful action if you wish to retain control of this ship.
If you choose to continue bickering amongst yourselves, I will have no further part in your folly. When the riot occurs - and it will occur if the Master is indeed involved - I will ensure that my inmate is protected until the very moment this ship is torn to pieces thanks to inmate stubbornness and warden pride.
[Private to Mozenrath]
Whether this talk of an impending inmate riot is conjecture or fact, I neither know nor care. The wardens behave no differently now than they did when I was an inmate - worse, I suspect - and frankly, I can hardly blame the general criminal population if they choose to express their frustration with organized misconduct.
There. I understand how you might feel.
That said, I will not be involving myself on either side of this ridiculous lesson in futility unless pressed to do so, and I expect the same from you. I have restored your rights as it has been within my capability and, of course, within reason. You should not, therefore, have complaint with your warden. The others are not your wardens, and the inmates are neither your compatriots nor your allies - as you no doubt have learned from your dealings with Akio. Conversely, I am on your side, and no other.
I will agree to restore all of your powers to you in the event of a riot, but only for your own protection and so long as you do not take sides.
If you have any complaint, now is the time to give it voice.
[Private to Ardent]
There is a rumor about you. I wonder if any warden has stepped forward to hear what you have to say.
[Private to Martha]
I'd like a word.
[Private to Tony]
If there is to be a riot, keep out of it. You have no inmate and therefore no reason to risk yourself.