If you're new, welcome aboard. If you don't know why you're here, you have what little, albeit sincere, sympathy I can muster.
At the moment, most of you have my sympathies, actually. I suppose it was only a matter of time before we got back to the business of personal injury.
If you are aware of why you're here, then at the risk of repeating earlier warnings on the subject: I hope you got your deal in writing. It would be a pity to find you took the Admiral's word for gospel on the matter.
[Private to the Tenth Doctor]
I wonder if you could spare a moment.
[Private to Mozenrath]
Are you alive?
[Private to Martha]
Your new doctor is certainly a go-getter.
[Private to Gift Givers - WOW SO BELATED and pretty well illegible. It MIGHT say:]
Thank you.