He saw her, through the glass.
He fell through, all too fast.
She saw him, through the glass.
She let him, fall too fast.
He was her prince charming,
She was his princess.
He was the, knight in shinning armor.
She was the brave princess.
At night they, were safer,
From the daylight tragedies.
She let him, rescue her.
In a land of, make believe.
At night they, could be,
Anything that they had wished.
By morning, they would be,
Back to reality.
In daydreams, they would be,
Whatever they could dream.
He saw her, through the glass.
He fell through, all too fast.
She saw him, through the glass.
She let him, fall too fast.
He was her prince charming,
She was his princess.
He was the, knight in shinning armor.
She was the brave princess.
At night they, were safer,
From the daylight tragedies.
The pains of, the day.
Would be washed away at night.
When they would venture,
Into the land of lies.
It was the only, way to escape.
The pain of reality.
He saw her through the glass,
He fell in, way too fast.
That night, he saw her,
Lying on the floor,
His world went, crashing down,
He failed her, his princess.
His demons, laid her to rest.
He sits in, a cold cell,
Dreaming of the past..
A time when he could save her,
Had not been meant to last.
He saw her, through the glass,
He went and fell too fast.
At night he, would visit,
His tragic memories.
He wished he, could turn back,
And fix what had been done.
He hoped that, she was safer,
Where ever she had gone.