What's your perfect woman like?
Okay. Here we go.
If you haven't already figured it out by now, I'm a lil bit bi.
That book link I posted the other night is very much like what I'm going through myself.
So... uh...
*shuffles feet*
Yeah, I'll just answer the question, k? Hell, I'm leaving this LJ in like, five days anyway :)
My perfect woman. *clears throat* Umm... I haven't given it a lot of thought. It's kind of like asking what my perfect man would be like. I've always been attracted to such a huge spectrum of different men's body shapes, looks, colourings - whatever - so that when I describe a "physically perfect" specimen of a guy, it'd be nothing like anybody I'd actually ever go out with. Because he'd be too pretty for me and I'd feel all squirgly in the belly all the time about whether I'm good enough for him. But yeah, if anyone happens to have Johnny Depp's phone number, send it to me PLSKTHX.
I'm attracted to a really wide variety of guys all round. And girls too. Sometimes, it's not even their looks that do anything for me. It's their personality that turns me on. But most of the time, yeah, there's a physical element. But I can appreciate a tall, lean guy as much as a tall, cuddly guy*.
Same goes for girls. I used to think I'd be weirded out by making out with a girl who was shorter than me. I always wanted the Xena to come sweep me off my feet if I was going to be trying out any kind of carpet munchin'. But hey, I've only snogged one lady who was taller than me to date. The rest have been extremely fine and sexxay. I've had the opportunity to experience what it's like to be dominated by someone I could, in reality, easily control physically. It scared me at first and made me feel a bit odd, I'll admit. But hey, I'm a quick learner.
I haven't answered this question at all. Okay. My ideal woman is someone I'm attracted to in some way - either physically or emotionally or intellectually or preferrably all three - and they also need to think I'm hawwt. Heh. That is all.
* Yeah, okay, so my one flaw in my "I like lotsa things" theory is that I can't cope with guys who are shorter than me. Shallow, no?