Thanks-giving :)

Mar 21, 2012 10:37

I would like to talk about a very simple and well-known topic - giving and receiving compliments. It seems like we all know this stuff, but we hardly ever use this knowledge if we’re not reminded.

Let’s start with ourselves, I mean, with GIVING compliments.

Being a pretty talkative person (who would have thought, right? ;) ), I often find myself in a situation when I am the one who has to toast at a party. No matter what the occasion is - be it somebody’s birthday, a wedding, a regular get-together, anything - I am usually the one who delivers the speech. And you know what: I actually enjoy it a lot, because I tend to always have something to say on the occasion.
How can one come up with various wishes every time? Frankly speaking, I hardly ever wish stuff. I thank people instead. Just think about it: we all have something to thank those around us for. All of them inspire us in one way or another. The easiest and the most pleasant thing in the world would be to tell them why they are special, why you personally like and appreciate them. Unfortunately, not a lot of people do it - they tend to break their brains coming up with what they can wish you on, say, a birthday (and it should be something different every damn year!!)…

However, I don’t want to think about this as my personal Know-How. There are other great people out there who do not hide their positive attitude but tell you openly why (and if :) ) they like interacting with you. And when I hear it I feel as if they just gave me wings, I feel strong, confident and energized. I feel capable of doing something good - and when I feel this way I usually really go out and do something productive 
This is why even if only one person out of 30 gets the same kick out of the compliments I give then they are SO worth giving!

OK, so this is about giving compliments - but why do we need compliments in the first place? Yes, they are flattering our ego, they make us feel noticed and valued - generally, they make us feel good. But what’s more important is that positive feedback from someone else might give us a hint about our strengths - some things we might not have realized before. We hear a compliment and we open new - previously unknown - qualities about us that we actually possess. Or maybe we hear a compliment and think: “Wait, did I just make this impression on someone? I’m not really like that in my usual life!” And, if you like what you hear and would like to be like that al the time, you might become inspired to live up to this compliment. You work hard to improve, because someone thought you already are like this!

Give compliments, folks. Find that special something you want to thank this person in front of you for. Admire people you know - all of them are most definitely worth it. Tell them what you like about them - this might be a strength they don’t even know about! And when you draw their attention to it, they might want to bring it out and use this quality consciously - to their and your own pleasure.

Receive compliments, darlings. Use these compliments to get to know yourselves better. Make something out of this priceless piece of admiration and energy you were just given.
Thank for the compliments. If this person had the courage to thank you for something - you definitely have something to thank them for, too 
And - do not just thank, thank FOR something. Speak your feelings out. Make sure your compliments are the truth, meaning that this is exactly what you feel to this person right now.

This is the most beautiful way in which we shape each other during communication. Let your words be that trigger that will let them do something good or understand something about themselves.

What is the best compliment you have ever received? How do compliments make you feel? Do you give compliments often, and why?
I’m especially interested in hearing about those compliments that inspired you to do something or to work on your self-improvement :)

compliments, inner balance, positivity

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