Name Luna Dara Jones.
Responds to Luna.
Originally from Manchester, England.
Residency A trendy apartment in Greenwich Village.
Status Single.
Profession Jazz pianist & singer.
Family David Jones and Sara Jones (parents); Talia, Sarah, Jessica and Annabel (sisters).
Birthdate November 21st.
Height Five foot four.
Weight 105 lbs.
Eyes/Hair Blue/Dark brown.
Scent I've really been into lavender scents lately.
Defining Marks Small scar on my chin from falling down the stairs when I was a little girl.
Languages English.
Likes Music; Horses; Art; Vintage clothes; Peanut Butter; Cats.
Dislikes Homophobia; Closed-minded people; Sourpusses; Rap; Meat.
Hobbies Writing songs; Spending time with friends; Designing outfits.
Book Charlotte's Web by E.B. White.
Movie Who Framed Roger Rabbit.
Colour Light blue.
Website It makes no sense, but that's why I like it.
Place My dad's farm in Beavertown.
Scent Freshly baked snickerdoodles.
Poison Arsenic.