Well, two of us saw it...encephelopathyNovember 15 2006, 17:33:06 UTC
but we could have been eating the same mushrooms...No wait, she hates mushrooms. Ha! The only explanation I can offer is that we are up pretty high on the 13th floor of this lovely research tower, and we got some ice flurries due to elevation...they just happened to look like snow. Gave us both a big shock, though.
Especially since our elevators are possessed by what can only be NyarlathotepencephelopathyNovember 15 2006, 18:01:50 UTC
Yes, it was neat. Oh, on the Friday topic: if other plans were to come up, feel free to do something else, since I won't know if I'm free on Friday until, well, Friday.
really? I close my eyes and imagine I'm somewhere else as well, but it's usually to our bed with your arms wrapped tight around me and a huge smile on my face.
Comments 14
The only explanation I can offer is that we are up pretty high on the 13th floor of this lovely research tower, and we got some ice flurries due to elevation...they just happened to look like snow. Gave us both a big shock, though.
I must admit - that is a really cool visual, though, seeing ice flurries in Texas this time of year.
Oh, on the Friday topic: if other plans were to come up, feel free to do something else, since I won't know if I'm free on Friday until, well, Friday.
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