Title: The Christmas Quest 27
enchanted_jaeCharacters: Albus/Scorpius, Harry/Draco
Rating: PG
Warning(s): None
Word count: 225
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
albuscorpius100 December Challenge #27 - Regifting
Summary: Great minds think alike.
"I don't understand," said Harry.
Albus took off his hat and began twisting it in his hands. "You see, Dad, Scorpius and I went to the North Pole to ask a special favor of Santa-"
"It was my idea, Mr Potter," Scorpius interjected helpfully.
"All the way to the North Pole, you say?" teased Harry. Clearly, he still did not believe in Santa Claus.
Albus let it slide and continued. "We told him our fondest wish at Christmas was that both you and Mr Malfoy have someone special to spend the holidays with."
"That is a noble wish, indeed," Draco said, voice solemn.
Scorpius took over. "We, ahem, we told Santa that we rather thought the two of you should...well, that you could be each other's special someone," he said.
Harry held up a hand. "Let me get this straight," he said. "You asked Santa to give Draco and I the gift of each other?"
Albus and Scorpius nodded in agreement, both of them wearing pleased, bashful grins.
"I believe that would be regifting," Draco chuckled, giving Harry's shoulder a friendly bump.
Scorpius and Al's expressions fell. "What do you mean?" Albus asked.
Harry and Draco exchanged bashful grins of their own. "We were going to wait until after the hols to tell you this," said Harry, "but Draco and I are already each other's special someone."
The Christmas Quest 28