so i had hard time deciding on how i would write blogs 15 and 16, they can be a bit controversial. but to keep the integrity of the blog and this being my semester at sea i'm gonna tell it as i saw it, the way that i felt about it and the way the events unfolded with the information i was given at the time.
after getting off the phone with Bryan
grace: so you said he looks like a penguin?
me: yea
grace: I can see that
April 22, 2008
- Hawaii! We are only spending one day in Hawaii. Probably so we don’t go crazy from being on the ship for so long. So it’s a day to break up the monotony of shipboard life, refuel the mv and eat at a restaurant with free refills. You don’t know how much you miss free refills until they are gone.
- Today everyone except myself was going to pearl harbor. Why didn’t I go? Well I didn’t really have the money for the trip and I just really just wanted to spend the day on the phone with my friends. I hadn’t talked to any of them since Puerto Rico which was January 26th roughly and that’s a long time to go without complaining to my friends about boys. I just needed to talk to people who know me.
- So the plan was, well everyone was going to Pearl Harbor, then after Bryan was going to call me when he got in, Beth and Erin were going to get their tattoos. Becca and Caitlin were somewhat of a mystery. I think Becca was gonna hang out with Ashley (Japan Ashley). While everyone was learning about history all morning, I got to talk to Gregg, brick, Kay, Brian, Hannah, and Aba. Not bad. Bryan called me while I was still on the phone with brick so, I said my goodbyes and told him to be good. Then me, Bryan and Caitlin when to hit the beach.
But first there was lunch. Now I had decided to avoid lunch meat while I was in foreign countries. Because I figure lunch meat is sketchy enough in America, like hot dogs but flat you know? So we went to subway for lunch because I had been craving hoagies for months. Let me tell you. It was so fucking good.
- Now at lunch Bryan got up because one of his friends called and so it was just me and Caitlin left to chat. Now since it was like 1 in the afternoon and there was no alcohol I assumed it would be fine. You know what they say about people who assume. Caitlin looks at me asks “do you still like Bryan?” Now, there were several things wrong with this question.
1. “still” I was not aware I liked him to begin with, thanks for the memo?
2. Has she not been listening to me go on and on about Tyler since March. I mean sometimes I make myself sick I talk about him so much, so… she must be deaf.
I then look at Caitlin confused and say “no?” Then she says number 3
3. “oh, well that’s what he told me”
Like WHAT THE FUCK. I’m having Mauritius flashbacks right now. Why does Bryan think that I like him? I have given him no reason to think that. We’re not really affectionate; I make fun of him on a daily basis. And back to my earlier point, I talk to him about Tyler stuff sometimes to, especially since Japan. I thought my feelings for Bryan were made very clear since India. So yea loyal blog readers, I was caught off guard. Caitlin then says “but don’t tell Bryan because he’ll get so mad at me”
- Well after that we went to Waikiki beach and laid out and talked on the phone some more. Grace got to talk to Bryan. It was gross and interesting to say the least.
Bryan had to get up and walk far away because he was talking to his friends about Caitlin. Another reason I stayed in and called my friends, I was alone in my room and got to say whatever I wanted about everyone. Cathartic to say the least.
- For dinner we went to California pizza kitchen, I had never been. It was yummy and it had free refills!!! I got this delicious raspberry lemonade which I gulped down in like 5 minutes just so they could bring me another.
- Meanwhile after Erin and Beth got their tattoos they went on another crazy adventure with Carl the field office guy on some boat.
erin and her tattoo that beth drew
They had some beers and got to see a whale and her baby, which is pretty freakin cool. They got came back later then they wanted though, so they got caught in the drunk gangway line and Beth hurt her foot.
this is beth embracing walmart
April 23, 2008
- Not much happened today.
- The gang went to rocky horror I didn’t
- Instead I stayed in and kind of wrote a paper and had a good talk with my roommate.
- One month til my birthday!
- This is day one of ten days at sea.
April 24, 2008
- So I confronted Bryan about Caitlin said and he was just as surprised as I was that she that. He said that she made it up.
Edit to this entry on 10/1/08: so when I initially wrote this in my journal you know, in April. I believed Bryan, certainly over Caitlin. Since then I have had a change of heart about Bryan’s truth telling abilities. You probably read about how on the ship he blatantly denied being gross in Beijing, there was another thing that happened on the ship where he lied to my face until you know he caught in his lie and had no choice but to tell the truth. So I have concluded that Bryan will say almost anything so he doesn’t look bad. He doesn’t like to be the bad guy and he cannot stand when people dislike him. Long story short I have changed my opinion of this event in ship drama. And I don’t know who to believe. It is totally believable that he told Caitlin this stuff to make her jealous its totally possible that Caitlin made this up so I would be mad at Bryan. I mean, I don’t care anymore, I just thought I let you the reader know that I have changed my opinion about this entry. But back to the entry
Every time I hang out with Caitlin I can feel myself icing her out I guess. I just don’t have anything to say to her really. But things between me and Caitlin have always been kind of awkward. We have never really hung out alone, because I think it will just be too awkward.
- We finished season one of how I met your mother. Hurrah
April 25, 2008
- Today is the ambassador’s ball! But I will get to that in a minute
- Had a good morning, breakfast then slept until English class. I finally got to give my presentation. Everyone loved it. I was really surprised. I was so amped that I did so well I had to tell one of the few people on this ship who understands what English with bender is all about, Tyler.
- I broke down and went to his room for the first time in a long while. Charlie was there too and we got our drink cards for the ball and caught up a little. Charlie went to class and I asked Tyler what he was wearing to the ball. He said he hadn’t picked it out yet and asked if I would help him pick a suite, shirt and tie. Well of course I did. It was fun. Funny story though, I had inadvertently made him match with Elizabeth’s dress. Complete coincidence.
- After that I headed to my room to get ready, shower do my nails and makeup and such. Once I looking good I headed to 4074 where I found the rest of the girls getting ready.
Then when we were all done we called Bryan so we could find a place to take pictures. The first place we tried was 4th deck aft, which was a windy disaster. Then we went to pursers and proceeded to take pictures with various combinations of the seven of us.
We also took a norgy picture
- Once we were exhausted with photos we went to check out the live music. When we got the piano bar Erin pointed out that sitting around us was all of me and Beth’s “shoulda woulda couldas” To explain it was every boy that me and Beth wanted to hook up with, should have hooked up with etc, from the whole voyage, all in one room. I had never seen these boys all together, let alone all talking. I think some of them might have been friends. So right in front of us in one row, was Ryan (mine) Kevin (Beth’s but I had a tiny thing for him circa Mauritius because we grinded at the club and we were super nice) and Jake(Beth’s who wanted to get with her, we think, also Ryan’s roommate). Then across the room but not far the next was Adam (aka Georgia hottie who I love) sitting next to Ben (who Beth hooked up with) and sitting behind the two of them was Tyler (no explanation needed). Weird. Well the live music was super good.
Everyone that performed could have kicked Seth Kallen’s ass a hundred times over.
- Finally it was dinner time and I was gonna get my fucking steak. I was so hungry by this point because I’m pretty sure I didn’t go to lunch.
So I think it’s time I explain the maximum amount of alcohol that the ship was giving us that night. So there was a champagne toast(1) then two glasses of white or red wine with dinner(3), and then we were allowed two drinks with our drink cards at pub night (5). I initially had the fullest intention of drinking all these drinks. It didn’t happen that way though.
- Lets start the Caitlin drink count now. So at dinner she had the champagne toast (1) then the two glasses that came with dinner (3) but then Erin gave her the rest or most of her wine (5?). By the end of dinner Caitlin was drunk. Dinner ends and there is like a half and hour before the dance starts/ when dessert is served. Luckily pub night has started and me, Bryan and Caitlin head upstairs to get in line. We’re standing in line you know having a fine time, Krista is behind me so I start talking to her.
Then I notice that Bryan and Caitlin are semi arguing in front of me. You see in front of Bryan is my roommate and her group of friends, who all go to Pitt. So Bryan was talking to them, in my opinion not really flirting, but they go to the same school so there are things they can talk about obviously. Caitlin is mad because he isn’t paying enough attention to her and he is “flirting” with these other girls, blah blah blah. After getting our drinks, Bryan gulps down his wine in one swallow and gets back in like with the Pitt girls. It takes me awhile to finish my beer and looking at that line I was not sure it was entirely worth it for another can of Budweiser. Also I was standing with Caitlin since Bryan had left me and it was awkward. Caitlin did not get a drink card and desperately wanted the second drink on mine. So I gave it to her(6 ish) and headed to find Erin, Beth and Becca and dance.
- I found Erin talking to Carl the field office guy, and that was boring so I go into the union and fine Beth and Becca making fun of the dancing people.
We did that for awhile. Then Bryan and Caitlin come in and they don’t see us and we watch them go to the dance floor, argue, then go to a dark corner and argue some more. Well me, Becca and Beth decide to go over there and start dancing with Bryan. We grab him and head to the dance floor. Erin finds us and we dance and have fun.
We take a break and I see Charlie and Tyler s I go over and start freak dancing on Charlie and it’s funny. Then Chelsea comes over and takes Charlie to the dance floor. So me and Tyler are talking and I’m asking him stuff like “why are you going out there and showing them what I taught ya?” and you good conversation. Then Elizabeth comes over and drapes herself over Tyler, yea its time to go now. I go get Erin and we head to the dance floor where Caitlin and Bryan still are. So as we’re dancing we’re sharing Bryan, there is a boy shortage on the ship, times are tough and you gotta ration. And finally we settle on me dancing with Erin and Bryan dancing with Caitlin. As I am dancing with Erin I look at Bryan and he is making gun to the head motions like every five seconds and every time I move away from Erin he pushes me closer to her then I finally give him this “why?” face. And he says “someone should” since he obviously couldn’t grind up on Erin. Someone should, and who knows we probably looked hot.
- The dance ended and we decided to head to 4074 to change into comfy clothes and watch lord of the rings. But on the way up we lose Bryan and Caitlin. Erin is worried. So when we get to her room she calls Bryan. She, like the rest of us assume Caitlin is giving him some long winded talk about how her feelings are hurt by what happened tonight blah blah blah. On the phone Erin asks Bryan if he’s in trouble and he said yes. So what apparently was going while they were in Bryan’s room, as Bryan told us the next day, was that Caitlin wanted to hook up and Bryan didn’t because he actually wanted it to be over. As opposed to when he said it was over and they hooked up in Vietnam. So Caitlin started to cry and as Bryan put it “begged” him to have sex with her. He declined but he kissed her instead. So when they finally came back up Bryan forgot his laptop which is what we were watching the movie on. While he was gone Caitlin looks at Erin and says “Bryan wasn’t in trouble”. AWKWARD. We all kind of look at each other with this face of panic and at this point we are glad we are not Erin. Erin looking surprised just says “uh ok”.
- Bryan came back, we uploaded and exchanged ball pictures, watched LOTR and went to bed
April 26, 2008
- Last day of A classes.
- After class me and Becca hung out it was nice, she helped me tear my room apart looking for my watch.
We had to wait til it beeped on the hour then we searched frantically for it while we still remembered where the beep came from. Eventually I found out it was the sleeve of my fleece
- We didn’t finish LOTR last night but I requested we start from rivendale on. I could not take watching them get to rivendale, that shit is boring.
- Went back to my room where my roommate showed me this slideshow she had been working on, she cried a little. Then I read some old journal entries out loud for her, like when we did shots with Jesse or the first time I met Bryan.
April 27, 2008
- Did some HW, watched more how I met your mother.
- After dinner we sat outside and watched the sunset. It was a really good one, no clouds. Sunsets on the pacific are way better then ones on the Atlantic
- Then we went to watch more how I met your mother. After four episodes or so Becca said she couldn’t take anymore, that we need a break from TV. She suggested that we talk to each other. Thirty minutes of silence later I decided I was going to tell Bryan my thoughts on Caitlin. After her behavior at the ball and other stuff I have seen her do I told him in Costa Rica I’m not having it. It’s our last port and I’m not having her drunken drama ruin my time. I said if that means not hanging out with Bryan or the gang then I will find something else to do because I was tired of it. Beth chimed in and agreed she said that she had no problems telling Caitlin how she felt if she acted up again because Beth is not going to be embarrassed. Bryan said that he didn’t want to hang out with her either, then I said “then tell her what you think, how you feel” Bryan said he couldn’t really say those things. And as I said before, it’s because Bryan doesn’t have the courage to let anyone hate him or be mad at him.
- So after that talk we still couldn’t watch any shows so saith Becca. We decided to play the story game where each person contributes a sentence. Long story short we contrived a story involving Becca, roman (the captain) and his penis, Bryan naked with a ball gag, Carl had a feather, me and Beth had crossbows and war paint and were on 3rd deck confronting Ben and Tyler.
- After that we got snacks, Caitlin rejoined us and we watched two towers
- Exams start tomorrow, I’m excited. I have always been a fan of exam week.
- I made use of what Hannah taught me in Hawaii and told Bryan to sack up
April 28, 2008
- First day of exams, the global studies one. You should know that I stopped going to global studies before Japan, which should let you know how much I cared about this exam.
- Tomorrow is a study day, I love days when I don’t have anything to do
- I tried really hard not to nap today, so hard. But everyone was doing it. You know how I like to give into peer pressure.
- We went to dinner and then immediately after went to go wait for the grill to open. To explain, for dinner they took us back to India, I didn’t want to go back to India.
- While eating our delicious over priced burgers we made up the hot tamale rule. With my box of hot tamales cause I have a serious addiction. No one was allowed to talk without holding the box of hot tamales. Works pretty well with us
- After eating we watched return of the king and the agreed upon two episodes of how I met your mother.
- NO MORE NAPS. I’m gonna try really hard tomorrow to stay awake all day
April 29, 2008
- Woke up at noon, studied and hung out with Becca in an attempt to stay awake.
- Then I watched some arrested development
- At dinner we split up which was kind of dramatic. See at this point in the journey it was like we had to do everything together. But I was hungry so I went and asked who wanted to go with.
- After that we watched some how I met your mother and 28 weeks later. This was after we had argued about what movie to watch for like 15 minutes. That wasn’t fun.
- Also I am now registered for classes for the fall semester
April 30, 2008
- WE DID IT. we finished how I met your mother. Good times.
- There was a second coffee house tonight. It was really long so we didn’t stay. We stayed for what was important, sweet taco explosion and Jason peck. Sweet taco explosion is a song about the wonders of taco day, it was so good. Erin got it on tape.
- Bryan asked if I was mad at him. I wasn't but I did say I was sorry for busting his chops all week. I don’t even know why I have been so hard on him all week. Maybe because the trip is ending or me being resentful of the awkwardness with Caitlin, you know because it is his fault we know her to begin with. When it’s just the five of us (Beth, Erin, Bryan, Becca, and i) I have no one to talk to. Beth and Becca are talking and Bryan and Erin are talking, I try to get in on the convos but fail. Yea that stuff bums me out
- Tomorrow is may.