So because my journal is now friends only I decided to move all the tuts from there to here. What you will find in this post is:
Going from
Going from
Going from
Go from
Difficulty: Pretty easy I guess.
Translatable: No
1. Crop the picture. I didn't sharpen yet, but if you want, to go right ahead.
2. Now duplicate the base one time and set it too Screen 100%. But it all really depends on how dark your image is.
3. Now for Hue/Saturation Layer.
Set Saturation to +40. Again, it all depends on your image. So if 40 looks funny, don't use it. It's just common sense.
4. Create a new layer and fill it with ffef37. Set it to Soft Light 30%
5. Time for Selective Coloring.
Reds: -100, +24, +100, 0
Yellows: -28, +36, -19, 0
Neutrals: +40, -13, -30, -10
6. Time for another selective coloring layer.
Reds: -26, +22, +25, 0
Yellows: +100, +8, -37, 0
Neutrals: +17, 0, -8, 0
7.After all this was when I sharpened the icon.
Then add some brushes, text, textures, whatever for your icon, and if you need to, change the opacity settings and the settings for the selective colring/color balance as well so it goes with your icon. Again, common sense.
Go from
Difficulty: Easy/Medium
Translatable: Nope
Other examples using this tutorial:
1. Crop the picture. I didn't sharpen yet, but if you want, to go right ahead.
2. Now duplicate the base one time and set it too Screen 100%. But it all really depends on how dark your image is.
3. Now for Hue/Saturation Layer.
Set Saturation to +22
4. Time for Selective Coloring.
Reds: -100, 0, +100, 0
Yellows: +100, 0, -100, 0
Neutrals: +28, +10, -19, +14
5. Now press Ctrl+a to select all, then go to Edit>> Copy Merged (or just press Shift+Ctrll+c) and then Ctrl+v to paste as a new layer. After all that set it to Color Burn 32%.
6.After all this was when I sharpened the icon.
Then add some brushes, text, textures, whatever for your icon, and if you need to, change the opacity settings and the settings for the selective colring/color balance as well so it goes with your icon.
Go from
Difficulty: Easy
Translatable: Yes
For this tutorial, I decided to use
this picture of Mikey, Alicia, and Bunny. Isnt Bunny adorable? xD Anyways,
1. Crop the picture. I didn't sharpen yet, but if you want, to go right ahead.
2. Now duplicate the base and set it too Screen 100%.
3. Create a new layer and fill it with 00063D. Set it Exclusion 100%.
4. Create another layer and fill it with CED3FF. Set it Color Burn 100%.
5. Now duplicate the base, drag it to the top and desaturate it. Set it Soft Light 100%.
After all this was when I sharpened the icon.
Then add some brushes and/text for your icon, and if you need to, change the opacity setting so it goes with your icon.