Hiiii everyone.

Jun 05, 2008 21:50

I know, I've been absent. :( I'm sorry. BUT. I can make it worth your while. Why? Because last night, at the Pirate & Princess Party at Magic Kingdom, I met the only man that can make me momentarily forget Christian Bale.

Yes, world. I met Captain Jack Sparrow.

And I was also wearing a dead sexy pirate costume for the occasion.

And there are copious amounts of pictures of all that right here. )

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Comments 14

turners_wench June 6 2008, 02:11:43 UTC

*is jealous*


mosephy June 6 2008, 02:11:54 UTC
DAMN girl! He's quite a likeness there.


larkin_marie June 6 2008, 04:40:52 UTC
You're adorable. That first picture is my favorite. You two have got some chemistry on fer sure!


enchantedstagey June 6 2008, 23:51:06 UTC
Ohh yes we do. ;) The people I was with said they were thoroughly entertained by our banter... but that could be because I actually talked to him and didn't just go OMG JACK SPARROW. Which was my first choice, actually.


ruth_the_sleuth June 6 2008, 05:37:41 UTC
Can I be you now?


enchantedstagey June 6 2008, 23:50:01 UTC
Only if, when we swap, I get your gifts which include, but are not limited to: drawing one humdinger of a comic book, writing poetry that'd rival e.e. cummings and Sylvia Plath and even Emily Dickinson, as well as your all-around knowledge of any movie that came out pre-1999.


ruth_the_sleuth June 7 2008, 08:32:59 UTC
you are sorely mistaken in thinking there is ANYTHING I wouldn't give up in order to be a forties pinup-hot disney princess who hangs out with pirates.


msqu June 6 2008, 16:20:46 UTC
Ahaha! I love it! I want to meet Jack!


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