1. Name: Lou
2. Nickname: Which one? ... Louith, Loui, Loui-, the Stupid Stoat... Stoat-Lei
3. Age: 15
4. Zodiac Sign: Virgo
5. Location: Norfolk
6. Three to five positive adjectives to describe yourself: Smart, Independent, Confident, A good listener, Protective friend.
7. Three to five negative adjectives to describe yourself: Proud, Stubborn, Occasionally cold, Judgemental, Tactless
8. Do you like yourself? If I met me, then no, we would not get along. But I'm confident and sure of myself. Basically I'm not self-loathing. I just know that if I met me, I wouldn't like myself because people who are like me irritate me... I'm a strange person.
9. Any talents? Singing, Writing, procrastination. I also guess being G&T counts doesn't it?
This or That>
10. Would you rather live in an animated world or the real world?: Real as long as I could actually find a guy like Robert ^.^
11. Which do you prefer: Love or power?: It's probably bad that I immediately want to put power isn't it... No, I'd probably take love. But I would hesitate for a bit.
12. Are you like a hero, a fair damsel, a sidekick, or something else? Explain: I'm too cynical to be the fair damsel, too punchy as well. But I could never be the sidekick because I take up most of the attention... Ok, let's face it. I'd totally be the wicked witch, just because of my negatives and while I love the romance in the movies, if I guy was like that in real life, I'd think it was corny and be very sceptical.
13. Who is your favorite character in the movie? Why? Robert, because he's pretty. And he's the sceptical, cynic. I also love Pip because he's so cute, and as the obvious comedy relief it's hard not to completely adore him. But no, it's Robert who I really love.
14. What is your favorite song from the movie? Why? Hmm, I think it's the song that's playing while Giselle and Robert are dancing, just because it so perfectly sums up where they are at that moment.
Become Animated:
15. Please post 2 pictures of yourself or describe yourself:
Ok, these pictures are a little old and my hair is now black.