1. Name: Sara
2. Nickname: Karli, Inky, Chunky Peanutbutter or Dani.
3. Age: 16
4. Zodiac Sign: Pisces.
5. Location: Pittsburgh, PA.
6. Three to five positive adjectives to describe yourself: Outgoing, determined, honest, trustworthy and loyal.
7. Three to five negative adjectives to describe yourself: Stubborn, obsessive, loud and lazy.
8. Do you like yourself? I do like myself. Of course there are many times when I beat myself up for doing something wrong but I'm very comfortable with who I am and what I can accomplish.
9. Any talents? Currently I'm a musical theatre major at the creative and performing arts high school of Pittsburgh so I sing, act and dance.
This or That>
10. Would you rather live in an animated world or the real world?: This is actually a really hard question for me because if, by the real world you mean New York City, then I would probably say the real world. If it meant just generally speaking, animated world because it's too much fun!
11. Which do you prefer: Love or power?: Love. Love is just something that doesn't come your way all the time and I think power can be inherited if you try hard enough.
12. Are you like a hero, a fair damsel, a sidekick, or something else? Explain: I'm not a fair damsel, I can tell you that right now. I actually think I'm something else because I have qualities of all those things in me. I don't think I can pinpoint and say that I'm a hero, a damsel or a sidekick because I'm a nice mixture of all three.
13. Who is your favorite character in the movie? Why? Giselle because she's so comfortable with herself that she puts everything she has out there to complete strangers.
14. What is your favorite song from the movie? Why? That's How You Know because who doesn't love a big, singing Central Park scene?
Become Animated:
15. Please post 2 pictures of yourself or describe yourself:
Me and my friend Hannah. She has the prettiest red hair I've ever seen!