1. Name: Rosanna
2. Nickname: Not really.
3. Age: 20
4. Zodiac Sign: Lovely libra X}
5. Location: Stockholm, Sweden
6. Three to five positive adjectives to describe yourself: Aware and perceptive, kind, high self-esteem. All-over seen as enigmatic (- for good or bad, haha).
7. Three to five negative adjectives to describe yourself: Too self-conscious, sensitive/easily affected, inflexible and dogmatic at times.
8. Do you like yourself? What's not to like...? (Just had to. XD) No I guess I have somewhat high expectations on people (myself included of course) but as long as you're going in the right direction, developing, that's what's most important. I kinda like myself for seeing it that way, yeah. #D
9. Any talents? I'm pretty good at drawing. Um... playing the piano. And I have a good memory, more of a languages and art brain than a math and science one.
This or That
10. Would you rather live in an animated world or the real world?: This world is just fine, and I would miss a lot of people but my heart belongs to the animated world. Lol, I'm damn low-key for Andalasia though. And oh, can I move into Giselle's hollow tree?
11. Which do you prefer: Love or power?: Love!
12. Are you like a hero, a fair damsel, a sidekick, or something else? Explain: I think I'm somewhere in the gray area between the main character and the sidekick. Playing a part of the story, significant, but just not in the center of everything. (I don't know what I'm talking about...)
13. Who is your favorite character in the movie? Why? Probably Prince Edward. I just adore his princely, dorky and sincere personality and how out-of-place he is in the real world. And man, what a voice! Giselle is a close second, I support her all the way (eventhough she's far too fluffy) XD
14. What is your favorite song from the movie? Why? Tie between True love's kiss and That's how you know. The entire soundtrack has been my drug lately, but these are the ones I find myself singing most often. True love's kiss was the one I got hooked on first. Disney old school-style + Alan Menken = gold. In That's how you know I really like all the "Well does he leave a little note/take you out dancing/etc.-parts. In the end, it depends on the mood.
Become Animated:
15. Please post 2 pictures of yourself or describe yourself: