How does she know

May 12, 2008 02:50


1. Name: Lori

2. Nickname: Chaeni

3. Age: 22

4. Zodiac Sign: Libra

5. Location: Missouri

6. Three to five positive adjectives to describe yourself: Open-minded, Laid-back, Independent, Intelligent, Clever

7. Three to five negative adjectives to describe yourself: Selfish, Impulsive, Vain, Manipulative, Sarcastic

8. Do you like yourself? Yep

9. Any talents? I'm adaptive and a fast learner.

This or That>

10. Would you rather live in an animated world or the real world?: Real, while fantasy is nice in doses, it doesn't last.

11. Which do you prefer: Love or power?: Power

12. Are you like a hero, a fair damsel, a sidekick, or something else? Explain: I'd probably be a villain. I go my own way.


13. Who is your favorite character in the movie? Why? Pip because he's oh so cute and just makes me laugh with his antics at trying to get others to understand him.

14. What is your favorite song from the movie? Why? The one where they're in the park because it's not something that would ever happen.

Become Animated:

15. Please post 2 pictures of yourself or describe yourself: I'm 5' tall, have an oval face, bright blue eyes, a widow's peak, short wild red hair, three tattoos, and five piercings.
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