DN Sims: The Work-in-Progress Game

Dec 21, 2010 03:51

The Work-in-Progress Game

chapter one
in which we get visitors

L and Misa enjoyed their conversation, but it was too boring to share with everyone.

L: Let's get along. You know, peace and all!

Then Misa was clever enough to go to the toilet.

L prefered taking care of his head's needs.

Fashion time! Misa's improved nigtwear.

I think it's better now. Then her everyday clothes. This is the original, because you didn't get to see it in the prologue:

I changed it to a bit lighter, and I think this is good.

Misa was drawn to the piano to celebrate her new clothes.

And L got to prove to me that I found a shirt for him!!! Let's party!

... Or go to the toilet.

Their neighbours came to visit, and I tought it might be fun for them to get to know other people living in the same neighbourhood. On the other side of the street. Here's Mero.

Nia is already withdrawing from the crowd.

And Matt is being a bit slow, and only makes his first move after Mero and L are already bonding.

L doesn't seem to enjoy it, though.

Mero, however, is happy.

Mero: Hmm, I think you two would make a great couple!

L: Really? (^-^)
Matt isn't that happy.

L: I wouldn't really want to kiss him, though.

L: Unless it took place on a ship!

Mero: Hey, that's a good idea! Go for it!

Meanwhile Near is doing his best in chess against an invi(n)sible opponent.

And Matt decided to watch TV instead of listening to Mero talk about him and L.

But L and Mero have alraedy moved on:
L: You know, my hair used to be absolutely terrible.

L: But it changed after I moved to this house. You understand???
Mero: Okay, he's a bit scary D:

Matt got bored with sports and decided to try out his stalker skills.

He wasn't too good so he joined the conversation instead.
Mero: I still think you two would make a great couple.

Matt: But legally we could never get married.

L: Who cares about law?!?!

L: If you love someone, you should hold their hand.

Near is losing!

So he decides to stalk L instead.

I wonder if L is trying to tell me something by standing right in front of Mello.

I think Near probably got a bit pissed off by not winning. But taking it out on poor L is not nice.
Matt: I think I would wear high heels with my wedding dress.

Near: It was nice to meet you, but I really want a cup of hot chocolate, and since you're not willing to make me one, I think I'll go home.
L: Okay, see you later.
Mero: I think you would be late for your wedding because you were gaming.

L was getting hungry, so he went to take a bath.

Misa was also getting hungry, so the best solution is to sit in front of the computer.

Mero: What a shitty house! Why don't they have a window in their bathroom? I can't see anything! :[ That's it, I'm going home.

Matt is just happy to provide us with some great piano music.

After getting out of the bath L actually started cooking for everyone.

Asdfghdg, Misa, go away!

Are you happy now, huh? L left his cooking.

All because you wanted to be a pig and eat straight from the fridge.

L: I'm so hungry! Feed me!

Misa: I don't think Matt's hungry.

L tried to get rid of his hunger by going to the toilet.

But then decided it was just better to continue with his cooking.

It was Misa's bathtime. Who doesn't want to take a bath when they're starving?

Matt is trying to hint something by reading a cook book.

He is in fact so hungry he's trying to eat through his nose!

L was shy and ate alone in the kitchen.

He also washed his bowl. We all thank him.

Misa had reached her limit, and forgot how to act like a lady.

It was L's turn to play.

And Misa's turn to clean up.

Matt totally stinks.

It's not improved by the fact that he thinks his host plays terribly.

Matt: I'm so happy to have been here, but I'm going now.
L: All right. By the way, do you smell something odd?

L was still hungry so he went for a snack.

Even though there was still food left.

Having a snack wasn't enough so he decided to cook again.

Now L wasn't hungry anymore, but he was getting tired.

So let's clean up!

Then he figured it would all be fixed by chatting to a random person.

The sofa was irresistable.

But L's nap was interrupted by our considerate Misa, who thought she'd play some sleeping music.

L didn't want to give up, so he decided try again.

With no better results.

After trying a couple of times I took pity on him and made him go to bed. (Because I realized one of my mods prevents them from going to bed before they have an assigned bed.)

Misa got tired as well.

The sofa it is!

After a while she woke up so hungry she didn't realize her food was already rotting.

And to wrap it all up, the sweet dog from the neighbour has digged a hole right in front of the front door.

Stay tuned for more oddness!

death note, dn_sims, the sims

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