Apr 27, 2016 19:34
Nothing is too late, dear one
It's longer than you suspect
Ps: Russian translation is rarely good.
Apr 27, 2016 19:01
A hard word to say
Harder to believe
Do you believe it?
In your heart of hearts
The darkest places only
I have seen
Can that whispered fire be enough
For us
April come she will
Mar 26, 2016 23:24
Conversely, maybe all of it is
Brazen, deafening, glorious
Facts and fictions blurring in the rush
Subjective perception
Wishful deception
Close your eyes again
Mar 20, 2016 20:31
Always going to be June, so what then?
So what?
Oct 17, 2015 08:25
My love, that smell
When the years have blurred
The violence
The fear
The confused hurt, and
Misplaced blame
She is left with the crystal clear smell
Of his neck
His hair
The feel of his need
When rough hands
Found hips ready
His voice, gravel with want
To feel
My love
Our whispered secrets
Still warm in my hands
Oct 11, 2015 04:04
Whole again
How would that taste
That crashing together
That perfect shattering that leaves your edges
Lick my wounds, our scars against our lips
Our secrets, promises
Our lies
to be whole
Tell me one truth
Love me
Love you
Apr 30, 2015 18:57
Under the same stars?
Maybe, baby, but
Not Tonight
Just me in here sunshine
Me and the haunts in dreamland
Tonight there is no sky
Not here
lost defined
Teeth clench like fingers
to look up and know
What's missing
Arrogance bought this bed
Sorrow settles in it
Just dodged that bullet, neh?