(no subject)

Nov 02, 2006 19:54

So I was perusing around random Frank/MCR comms this evening and it gave me the overwhelming need to update about the MCR show I went to Sept. 16th seeing as it was ABSOLUTELY amazing, and I never wrote about it :(. boo.

So I won't go into complete detail...well, maybe I will, we'll see.

Lisa and I got out of class at 12:20, and began the about 2 hour drive to cleveland after an Arby's pit stop. Well, the drive shoulda been about 2 hours but we got turned around a few times, not lost, just not necessarily on the right track. Anywho we finally got to the Scene Pavillion at about 5ish, it was actually a super cool place, right on the river and all nice, it had a cool looking artsy tent too. spiff.

So we waited in line and they opened the doors at like 6, b/c 30 Seconds to Mars was playing that night, which I don't think they did on the other shows *shrugs*. So. Obviously I aligned myself in front of Frankie's mic, and just chilled out, ya know the usual. The only bad part, which totally ruined my zen like state was these literally 14 year old girls that were smoking, because they're obviously hardcore, and that doesn't bother me because, hello? smoker. but they felt the need to spit in my standing area about 20 times, and spitting is seriously my phobia, I literally wanted to puke on them. This one chick really looked like Gerard tho.

So. point. 30 Seconds to Mars played, they were decent, but I'm not really into the whole Jared Leto thing, plus after the show he was kind of an asshole, but more on that later. Reggie and The Full Effect were on next, I hadn't heard a lot from them, but I was really impressed, plus James Dewees had a kick butt persona. Trio played next, and I'm a fan, seen them a couple times, but I think they lacked intensity at this show, they were still entertaining tho.

AND THEN. finally at around 10pm, after some fiasco with a light that we won't go into, MCR came out. wooo! to be honest I know Frankie is crazy live, but I dunno like I've seen them do live shows on TV and all and I wasn't super impressed so I wasn't expecting too much, but that night they totally. kicked. ass. I think their show is a kind of "have to be there to appreciate it fully" deal, because the energy was just nuts, they played every song off "3 Cheers" and like 5 off "Bullets" and Frank was just unbelieveably sexy the entire time, god. especially when he went and like snuggled up to Gerard and did the Catholic cross thingy.

I was able to push so that I was in the front right before Frankie's viewing area for the last song "I'm not Ok" and Lisa was behind me, so we were happy about that. They finished playing around 11:45pm.

After the show when the place cleaned out a little bit, I may or may not have begged Frankie's guitar tech for his set-list like a crazy, and he was seriously like in motion to throw it to these other chicks who had already gotten Ray's. I mean wth, share the wealth. but he gave it to me. YIP! I pretty much flipped, b/c it has all his little notes on it and all <3.

Afterwards us and everybody else went to go wait in the little area by the buses. luckily Lisa and I planned for the long haul and brought sweaters and blankets because with the lake effect(affect?) it was ony like 50*. burr.

so we waited. and waited. and luckily after a while this obnoxious like 350# chick who kept asking everyone to "holler at her" left b/c, my god, she was embarrassing even me, some people have no shame.

So at about 1am Mr. Ray Toro came out and signed for everyone, he couldn't take pictures tho b/c there were still too many people, but he was really nice, I had him sign my set-list.

OH WAIT, before that that Jared Leto guy came out like he owned the place and didn't talk to anyone except "hot chicks" and 7 year old girl's. he was just kind of an asshole.

OK back to the original point. at aound I would say 1:55am there were like 14 people left, including this girls drunk dad, which again we won't go into. and this cool ghetto security guy who was kind of our ally was leaving, which meant no security and everyone had told us the guys left and blah, blah, blah. But I knew they couldn'tve left in a car cause we were standing in front of the only exit and didn't see them leave.

So literally, not even 5 mins. after the security guy left, here come all the guys + matt skiba from trio, and they came up from behind us in like a sneak attack. I guess they had been out walking around getting food and stuff. Frank had an energey drink. it was so cool<3

I noticed Gerard first because he like stuck out in the night due to his glowing pale skin, probably the palest guy I've ever seen.

So of course my immediate reaction was to look for frank. so I start looking around and at first didn't see him until he walked right in front of me, it was so cute *spazzes* he was wearing his hood up like a little kid and he's such a shortie that walking through the crowd people didn't notice him, and I was on the outskirts of the group so when he walked past me he had this mischevious smile on his face like he just got away w/ not being recognized, but then he stopped a second and liked look back all "aww is no one really going to notice me?" but he started away walking again anyways.

It took me a few seconds to collect my thoughts, or my mind in general, and I hustled up to him to get him to sign my set-list, but these 2 chicks got to him first and are all yells "FRANK! FRANK!" he's like ekkk I'll brb, but they were like "no, no hold on sign this, take a picture!" so at this point he figured he was defeated and hung around.

luckily no one else came over to him at 1st b/c they were busied w/ Gerard, so I ask him:

Me: "I have something I really want you to sign do you happen to have a pen or anything?"

F: *checks pockets* "no, I'm really sorry, I don't"

Me: "shit man, I really wanted you to sign this"

Frank: "well what do you have there"(lol)

and I showed him the set-list and he was like mesmerized I swear.

F: "oh...OH did you know this is mine? This is like my personal notes and stuff, how did you get this, that's so cool!"

Me: "I know it's awesome, I just caught it from some guy on stage"

Frank: "really who? like what did he look like"

Me: "um, he was wearing all black, and like a hat, and he was walking around here w/ a bag earlier." (lol wtf I know. at least he didn't treat me like a total idiot after that. I was in a shocked state of mind and like shaking on the inside, and for some reason the words "HE WAS YOUR GUITAR TECH" would not come to me)

F: "hmm I dunno that's super cool tho"

Me: "yeah I was really excited that's why I wanted you to sign it, alas, no marker"

F:"oh hell we'll find a marker, c'mon let's go borrow one"

I borrowed a marker from some chick, and then she came over and started talking to frank too

F: "so what's your name?"


Me: "m...mmm...my name?" *gulp* (totally did not realize he was talking to me)

F: yes, you

Me: Ashley, just the regular A-s-h-l-e-y (wow. nerd)

frank signs, all the while freaking out about the quality of the marker

f:"I really hope you can read that, that marker is kind of a piece of shit"

It says "Ashley, Keep the faith -Frank Iero". but it's barely legible. I thank him

F: "sure no problem, and I still think it's really cool that you got that"

The other girl's around him start saying how the show was really good and stuff and I agreed and told him it was actually one of the best shows, if not the best show I'd ever seen, because it genuinely was.

F: well, what other shows have you seen?

I told him that Incubus was probably the second best, and that they're really good live.

F: *seeming more flattered* oh really I've never seen them live.

me: well you should, they're really excellent

F:yeah I defintely hope to sometime

So then I decided I'd better go get the other guys before they left so I went up to Mikey next and asked him to sign he responded very politely, and was really nice, but kinda shy. He is also SOO much littler in real life than I pictured him, he's such I tiny, I would be super surprised if he weighed over 130#, and he's kinda short as well.

Lastly I got Gerard's autograph, I just asked him to sign and he did the usual "Yeah, sure definitely no problem" lol and signed "xoxo g" which is what he signs for everyone, but it's cute I suppose.

I'm pretty sure when I was done getting gerard's autograph, Mikey and Matt Skiba had left, and Lisa had gotten some girl w/ a digital camera to get a picture of her and Gerard, my biggest regret thus far is not having her take a pic of Frank and I. grr.

After I got Gee's sig, he was still being surrounded, so I stepped off and sat down on the curb in my blanket and when Frank got done signing his autograph's he came over to where I was sitting and asked me to see the set list again, I swear, I don't think he'd ever met someone that had one lol. it was cute.

So he proceded to explain some of the notes on there, and he was just like "oh gosh, this is so cool, blah blah, this is like my personal notes, you're so lucky"

and I said the dumbest thing ever "yeah I know I feel really....blessed?" lol.

but he just smiled, and then he had to leave because their "body guard" (who's ass I could've kicked lol) said they had to get going, by this time it was like 2:30ish, so we left, and like flipped as soon as we got in the car and like called everyone we knew. and it was one of the best times I've ever had.

This was. so. long. but it's good to get it out I can't believe it's almost been a month :(

I'm going to try to figure out how to post graphics in here, so hopefully I can put up the Lisa and Gee pic, and my set-list that I scanned b/c I'm lame like that.

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