Title: I Found a Little Bird Out in the Snow One Day
Author: Endless-Kaoru
Rating: M
Warnings: Sort of disturbing; child death
Note: No, this isn't from any particular anime or anything. It's just sorta a random little ficlet based on a poem.
I found a little bird out in the snow...
It was cold, the ground covered in a thick blanket of pristine blue snow. A hint of footprints weaved through the forest -- small footprints, like those of a child. At their end, a girl, sprawled in the snow, her pale pink petticoats spread gracefully about her.
The man -- given the name Fulton by his loving mother -- crouched to brush flakes of snow from the small girl’s face, and watched her crystal blue eyes open slowly.
It had a broken wing,
Yes, I know!
He spoke to her, inquiring as to why she’d be lying in the snow. She told him she’d been chased by a dog, and had thought to play dead so it would let her be.
She’d hurt her ankle, she admitted, and bashfully allowed him to inspect her slim ankle.
I coaxed it with a little bread...
Holding out his hand, he offered her a place at his fireside, and she shyly accepted, allowing the man to lift her easily.
He walked, leaving fresh prints in the snow behind him as he weaved back through the trees.
Her name was Robin, she’d told him, from the Addison farm just outside the forest.
Oh, yes, he’d met a Cass Addison a few years back, during the floods.
Yes, that’s him. Her father.
Oh, how is he doing these days?
And the polite talk went on until the two -- Fulton and Robin -- became quite acquainted and they arrived at the doorstep of a small cottage.
Here, can you walk? Please, step inside; Fulton opened the door and promised to return with wood to warm the fire. Robin trustingly stepped inside and shed her small jacket, shivering near the fireplace.
Two days later, Cass Addison and his faithful wife embraced and sobbed over the small body, telling the sheriff, yes, this is our daughter; oh, she was so young, who could have done such a thing?
The sheriff patted Cass’s shoulder and led the couple away, letting some local men collect the body. The monster bashed in this child’s head, they muttered amongst themselves; who could have done such a thing?
And they trampled the red-stained snow as they wrapped the child in a blanket.
And then, I broke its little head!
A/N: This is just kinda something I wrote up late at night because I wanted to try out a new style... I'm not sure if I like it or not yet, but it seemed interesting enough, at any rate.
The poem is one my dad told me, from his childhood.