wow today was such a good last day of school :-D cant even handle it!!! im so sad, but excited its done!! and i cant wait to hang out with everyone over the summer! mmm im gonna have a blast:-D and i cant wait for central either thats gonna be awesome! ;-)
him :-* ^^ it will never happen... but i can always hope?
yesterday was a good day :-) after school i walked to heathers with her and gennifer(((we got slurpees))) and we hung out then kevin and jay came over...jay left then we went looking for the colorr spray stuff like all over, we finally got it lol we picked up royale got more slurpeese then me heather n royale went to the mall. we saw some ppl
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mmm send off is coming up soon.... and i think i want a new dress mines cute and i look good in it but its kind a plain, well its got a lot of detail, but its all black, and i kind a want a colorful one mabye... idk ;-(
o yeah!how mant ppl are going with dates tho?! gesh...
so we lost our meet yesterday by like 20....and it was freezing!!!!! then today we had track pictures *barfing all over that one* because everyone knows i hate getting pictures
( Read more... ) today i was confirmed....then pictures and i had a party...*nassty* a buncha old ppl were there *rolling eyes* i got A LOT of money though and OMG im getting my ear peirced (((finally!!!))) im so excited!!! but thats about it, comment