day 10 → a photo of you taken over ten years ago
Um, yeah, gonna have to skip this one, lol. I don't have any photos of me from 10 years ago, they're all in my mom's photo album... Which is in her house, lol. So yeah... NEXT!
day 11 → a photo of you taken recently )
Comments 4
kinda totally agree with your summation with PoM. if i recall, she said she wrote it for NaNoWriMo, and it... sounds like it. like it was written quickly without much final editing. :/ i liked her return to vamps, as that's typically been my favourite subgenre, but i would've loved to see it more fleshed out.
Yeah it...blegh. PoM kind of shocked me with how bad some of her writing is x3 I liked her vampires too, but there was nothing new, and the characters just couldn't carry it, lol. But yeah, a little time put into things never hurt anyone.
Maybe Token of Darkness will be better? Although the ghost angle makes me kind of skeptical...
yeah. i dunno if it's because she kind of switched styles with the Kiesha'ra series, and we all forgot how what we read as thirteen year olds was that bad, or what, but it definitely could have been better. and i think more revision would have helped. especially the end seems rough, the pacing was just off.
lol, i'm guessing that's gonna be her next book? i haven't even been paying attention, i really only heard of PoM when megan started talking about it. i'll have to check it out sometime...
lol by the end I was just skimming. I couldn't really follow wtf was going on with Pandora and Adjira and Sassy and all that shit. I was just like "whatever, how does it end?" x3 for some reason I found that all really cofusing.
and yep, that's next in line. ghosts~ wooooOOOOoooo. Sounds suspiciously like Dark Angel by LJ Smith...
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