Yea, title? Spastic? Me, on coffee. Beware, bitches. I have Snakes on a Plane. (Totally the best thing EVERRRR, cause it's about snakes. And they're on a plane. And they look really, really fake And they wanna kill people! EEEEE!)
So, yes, I know, horrid horrible person for not updating in forever, or reading all my friends post and replying except
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Comments 6
Lucky for me, I've already heard all the junk bout Nawlins, so I don't have to read that! I win!
BUT IT'S a DIFFERENT version and stuff. You should read it for your amusement. Did I tell you how I nicknamed my dad Ozzy?
I'll be your midget <3
OMGYAY! I have a midget! I'd make it official with a banner if I had any photoshop skillz, but putting a little special thing in my profile and on my journal will have to do. ^_^ You so just made my day with that statement.
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