I think any of us who have made it through the winter without recourse to a) a dinghy, and b) a snorkel can count ourselves most fortunate! I'll check out your site just as soon as I can. I haven't been out visiting exotic and wonderful places for a long while - we're still happy to hang out in the new house.
Heh, don't know if he'll accept it until he reads it! And that'll be a long while down the road yet. But I've got sufficient self-confidence and self-awareness now as a writer to be fairly secure that he'll like it!!
I'm sorry to hear that Eric's been so ill. It explains why things dropped off in the middle of a conversation with me. I hope he recovers thoroughly and soon. (And I won't bug him until he does, I think - I've been in that place myself, after all.)
Good luck on the next stage of everything - it sounds excellent from this end!
Carol, I hope you have been similarly industrious, and that your muse has been giving you a really hard time in a positive & inspirational sense! I can now start listening to Kate Bush in preparation for my next literary journey - Hounds of Love, as opposed to Ariel.
Sadly not recently; I've been unwell since the end of January. Just beginning to recover. Before that - yes - working hard on TreeBook. I have 47k of a new first draft.
Dora is still with Honno - let's not go there. It's sooooooo frustrating...
Welcome back! Glad your absence has been so productive! I greatly enjoyed Fire and Sword so I hope all goes well with the publication of the second book...
Comments 32
I was wondering where you'd got to.
I'd heard from a mutual friend that your published was seriously ill.
Smoothly for a given value of smoothly- although I have found time to be creative (poetry and pics).
Good luck on the next stage of everything - it sounds excellent from this end!
Those of us on Terri's list are up to speed about Eric.
You have clearly been working hard. Splendid! And I agree - writers' write & that's the long & the short of it.
Dora is still with Honno - let's not go there. It's sooooooo frustrating...
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