Warnings: General Bizarreness, Graphic Violence, Nudity and Blood~
Dream Effects: ( Optional ) Intense headache. Lots of Mental Imbalance.
Notes: Slight headcanon?
Anemone floats naked in a large cylinder-like container filled with a bluish liquid. There is rapid movement behind her eyelids as if she's dreaming. Wires, tubes and sensors are crisscrossed all across her body as the scientist experiment on her. Her body begins to jerk spastically and her hand smacks repeated against the container, pulling against tubes and sensors. Blood begins to spills out of her nose mixing around with the rest of the liquid and her eyes are clenched in obvious pain.
But the doctors and scientists take no notice. Apparently its just a regular day around here.
A small
creature floats around in a blank space. There is nothing but complete emptiness all around. You turn in circles looking for a way out, an escape. You feel as if you're hanging in limbo between time and space. The creature dances around your head for a minute. Then suddenly it rushes toward you opening the mouth you didn't know it had and devouring you whole. It morphs and changes with you still inside it until it reaches it's
ultimate form.
Blood. It's all over you. Green. Red. From both Coralian and Human. In the skies you destroy them both. You are one with
theEnd, seeing through his eyes. Tearing apart flesh and metal with his claws. It feels so good. To destory. To prove your worth. You imagine it's Eureka in your grasp, ripping her weak little body apart limb by limb until you find out what makes her tick. What makes her so special? So different from yourself? How can you obtain what she has? The Love. Adoration. Desire. Coralian.
You clutch her head in your iron grasp squishing it like a grape. Her delicious blood splatters everywhere, reminding you of the sweetness of your favorite jam. You wonder what it taste like.
Shrill laughter pierces the air. Excitement and power are pumping through your veins. You are reminded of the feeling you get after your injections. The increased awareness and sudden bloodlust.
As you watch blood pool around what's left of the Coralian's body you wonder...
If the original no longer exist..does the copy become the original?