Should be doing homework, pah. I found a French article (5 pages, alors...) so that's good enough for right now.
As I did about 4 blocks worth of running while wearing heels and a 30 lb packpack (hardcore, huh? Well it's a heck of a lot of exercise for me) to try and catch the possibly existing 5:30 bus after school, I'm feeling exceedingly lazy
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Comments 11
But I'm pretty sure 11 is A Nous La Liberté!! Or Liberte as certain Accent Non-Believers seem to think. ^^
Love the cut-tag, btw. Teh best. I may have to steal it sometime.
I'm pretty sure you saw 2 in school once. I don't think you've ever seen 3 or 8, but you might have read part of the script for 8. You've seen the one that 5 comes from quite recently! And I quoted 6 that same day too.
It takes me 2-3 times to remember movie titles...especially since some of them are from a really obscure quote in the movie. Like 1,2,3 :D (which I unfortunately didn't get to put up there).
Oh! 8 is that one you were doing part of in English! But I still don't know the title ;-;
Is 5 42nd Street?? =DDD (What was that other musical-about-making-a-musical one called? I keep getting them confuzed o.o)
Yeah! I'd tell you the title, but Katie actually watched it, so I'll wait a bit to see if she remembers. I was just talking to her about it on Tuesday because it was on recently...
YESSS! 42nd Street eff-tay-doobluh-vay! *obligatory hand sign*
The other one is Footlight Parade. I didn't get to put a quote from that one up there, even though it is far more quotable than some other movies, like 13.
I wanted to say something like "and some striped pants" or "oops, wrong party" or "another bouncing baby Bolshevik" from that Cagney film (let's see if you can remember the title! XD) but 15 films just isn't enough!
3, 5 and 9 are really familiar but I couldn't tell you what they were from ;-;
OMG CASABLANCA HOW I LOVE YOU. canimarrysexyvoicedgermanofficerinitnauplskthnxbai.
Andrea just got 5 -it's 42nd Street!
3 is *givesitaway* Gold Diggers of 1933. You've never, to my knowledge, seen 9, but I think we saw a commerical for it last weekend. So if it is familiar to you, you have a really good memory. It's from White Heat which is an absolutely superb film. :D
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