Honored Guests

Sep 05, 2007 19:16

My kitchen Altar was taken last Saturday.
After some strange omens and their interpretations through Ogham, I was asked by some Irish Deities to offer Them a place at my second Altar -- well, I couldn´t refuse it, could I?
Now Brighid has the Fire lamp to Herself, Manannán took the Water cup at the other side of the central column (that the Dagda claimed, maybe because of the copper ladle...), Airmid got the potted herbs on both sides of the window, Diancecht took the second ladle (with dried spices), Lugh is represented by the yellow dried flowers (and now some fresh ones), Ogma has the Serpent´s Egg with the Ogham oracle marks, the Cailleach have the big holey stone inside the bigger ladle -- but Aengus doesn´t have yet a material representation, since the swan feathers I have are nearly crumbling from old age and I haven´t got new ones yet: I guess that He undestands, but I must have all thing right ASAP as a matter of good manners and hospitality.
I give Them a mix of spring water, honey and whisky each morning, with appropriate Irish prayers, and the omens say They are pleased with it, at least by now.
They aren´t my Patrons, rightly speaking, but They came to teach me how to work with Them, since my group is strongly Irish-focused (excepting the Gaulish Midsummer and the Welsh Midwinter we´d celebrated, of course) and it´s proper that someone (me) have some personal relationship with Them if we´re to work together.
Endovelico and the Celtiberian Deities, my Patrons, approved my decision to receive the Irish Ones as guests of honor, and remain steady on my main Altar at the dining room.
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