Anyone with a firm grasp on the English language can write something that will pass as intellectual truth. This is one of the greatest problems with American Journalism today. It's a problem with LJ users too
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I've spoken with many conservatives and they are aware of these numbers and the "liberal" media, but it reminds me of the days I would "read" anti-mormon literature yet still continue you to be LDS. It was a pride/fear issue.
Shit, my breaktime is up @ work, I've got to cut this short. I'll elaborate later.
On my way home from work, I stopped @ the parents house (still am here, worthless) and I walked in on my mother watching Fox News, more specifically, watching Sean Hannity babble on about the whole Kerry-Vietnam fiasco. She recognized the fact that Fox News is a conservative news program and is biased, but was quick to point out all the liberal bias in media today. I told her EVERY SINGLE liberal I know has watched Fox News, The O-Rielly factor, Hannity & Colmes, Good ol' Greta etc. I asked her what liberal sources (although she really isnt conservative) she watches? What does our good ol 100% starch republican uncle watch
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i'm glad you wrote about this. i have an underdeveloped yearning to be cognizant and well-read in politics and current events without the one-sidedness, but i have never known where to go. do you have any periodical or book recommendations which might also be informational? thank you for sharing the links. it is nice to have somewhere to start.
i can't imagine anyone who knows you not wanting to get involved. the way you speak (or write, rather) is very inspiring. i'm not finished perusing all of your past entries, but i am moved to learn more after reading every single post. you have a flair for this; infecting, affecting. thank you, thank you.
Comments 10
I wonder sometimes if I'm just ranting to myself.
Shit, my breaktime is up @ work, I've got to cut this short. I'll elaborate later.
A couple good places to get good daily political news are Alternet and Democracy Now.
A good place to get book recommendations as well as excerpts and tons of articles and other background information is Third World Traveler.
Right now I highly recommend reading The Exception to the Rulers if you want to get more familiar with our current administration.
I just have to let you know how stoked I am to see more people getting interested and getting informed. This is awesome. :)
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