This is Dennis, he's a philosophy professor at UVSC and he was my hero of the day. Very well-informed and feisty debater.
The guy on the right was the one Dennis is yelling at in the first picture. He wasn't making a very good case, despite his clever little sign. He admitted that he just found out yesterday that Michael Moore was coming to UVSC. Dennis said something like "See how uninformed you are! This has been the biggest controversy ever in Utah - it's been all over tv and newspaper!" I don't know how the guy holding the Bigot sign kept a straight face, but I just had to snap a picture.
Two hours before Moore's speech. Not a lot of people there yet.
See, more people showed up.
I also heard that Jesus is a flip-flopper. And his crucifixion story was an exaggeration.
Best. Political. Statement. Ever. I laughed so hard when these guys rolled up in their tuxedos and top hats, swinging canes and smoking cigars, and waving signs that say "Privatize Everything" and "Warning: Affordable Healthcare May Cause Severe Loss of Profits" and "Thank you for not voting."
Leave no Billionaire Behind.
This is a protest. These are protesters.
Haha. This guy and his badass sign. Old guys at war protests - there is nothing better. He was cool as hell too! I seriously had no idea there were any liberals his age in Utah County.
Me, Jen, Kim. Waiting for Moore to speak. We were all up way too late the night before.
I was surprised, he's actually not as large a man in person as he appears to be on TV and in film.
Lots of people showed up.
The end.
(not recommended for 56Kers)
*updated with captions