Random SB Thoughts.

Jan 17, 2011 00:43

Random thoughts about Winry.

Growing up completed isolated from all races for a good period of time makes her unbiased and unprejudiced, but it also makes her unable to truly connect with either species. In a way she sees herself every bit the robot that Ed and Al are. It's...kinda hard to explain but they really were all she ever knew so they seem more 'real' to her then the people she reads about in text books. Even when she started going with Pinako to helped the injured she always regarded everyone else as an 'other'.

Im probably going to have to redo her personality section a bit. What is there now is probably what she will grow into at some point but all things considered she will really be out of the loop when it comes to many things. Her first contact with anyone outside of Ed, Al, or Pinako will probably be fairly late (8, maybe 9 year of age? Talk with Man-D) and I get the feeling that no matter how the conversation went she still sorta felt she was communicating with the computer, and not so much a person.

For her typing quirk she types all in lowercase with absolutely no punctuation. This includes no exclamation marks, no question marks, no periods. Im kind of aiming for something that makes her seem a little placid, even when she is actually happy or upset just to make it fall in line with the whole seeming automatic thing. Her emotions are definitely there but at least in the beginning they will probably be a little harder to decipher at first.

feb 19 - she's only gone outside of her home 3 times. The first was when she was 10 and she went to the border to help. That one time she also went to Italy and that was when she met Penelo. They were out for about a month that time. The other two times were simply going to the border, both times were for two months and at ages 13 and 14. She will be turning 15 come SBURB start.

In person she kinda of seems clueless. Either she's pissed or she has a nonplussed expression on her face since just about everything outside of her home is pretty new and unusual for her whether it be something of the humans or something of the trolls.

...I had something else I wanted to ramble about. What was it. Uhhh idk it will come to me, Pinako's kinda turning out to be a bitch in this isn't she? 8|a speaking of which Winry's relationship with her is pretty wacky. She admires her for her work and intellect, and beneath it all she does love her since she is her guardian buuuut. She is pretty resentful towards her for her upbringing, since as of late she's sort of been realizing that IT'S NOT NORMAL and she has pretty much been denied a childhood. Even more so she knows that Pinako is kind of controlling her in a way by setting up who she gets to talk to and when, and creating all this obstacle stuff BUT SHE HAS NO IDEA WHY. GOD DAMNIT. I wonder if at any point she actually DID try to leave the house and go off on her own. Could be an interesting way to get her to have met one other person but it'd require a lot of planning. HMM.

Also there is a reason she is Might. The girl is strong.

winry rockbell

More to be added later and as I come up with it.
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