(no subject)

Mar 01, 2011 19:35

-- stethoscopeTinkerer [ST] began pestering dancingHealer [DH] at 18:24 --

ST: hello penelo

DH: Ciao, Winry

DH: back in Germany?

ST: i am

ST: i missed talking to you

ST: have things been well in my absence

DH: Same here. Vaan nearly drove me to murder >.<

DH: see above

ST: oh

ST: what did he do this time

DH: I told you about that British conman and his...Icelandic or something partner, Balthier and Fran?

ST: briefly i do not remember the details

DH: they helped him crash a party

ST: really

ST: what for

DH: I think they wanted some valuable gem or something

DH: I don't know for sure, but he nearly got me kidnapped

DH: Apparently the conartists have some enemies

DH: and had seen them talking to Vaan

DH: who was then seen talking to me

DH: For some reason, they thought trying to kidnap me would get them the gem

DH: I don't know

DH: I think they were drunk

ST: wow wow you were kidnapped??

DH: nearly

ST: oh

ST: right

ST: i think

ST: i got a little ahead of myself there

DH: Just a little XD

ST: everything is okay now

DH: Yep! Migelo had given me a new metal pole, and I proceeded to kick their sorry culos

DH: and I'm not talking to Vaan

ST: that is good to hear

ST: i will admit usually i like hearing about the trouble vaan gets into

ST: and think its kind of fun

ST: but this not so much

ST: did he apologize

DH: Si. I'm still not talking to him, though

DH: I'll give him another day, and then I'll accept his apology

DH: Fran did apologize for getting me involved, though

DH: I don't think Balthier knows what 'sorry' means, though

ST: at least one of them did

ST: did they do anything to make up for it

DH: another new pole

DH: and they had a pair of ballet slippers in my size

ST: double action all the way

DH: si!

DH: Oh, and I met a few trolls

ST: oh really

ST: i wouldnt expect many trolls to me out that far west

DH: well, not in person. Trolls aren't allowed within city limits

DH: but over this

ST: oh

ST: i should have gathered that

ST: what did they want

DH: One I pestered for a stupid essay on trolls. He was actually really nice

DH: not crass or violent or anything

DH: He was actually kind of shy.

DH: I think his name is Tavros Nitram

ST: oh really

ST: maybe i should say hi to him sometime

DH: si

ST: i dont get a chance to talk to many trolls

ST: at least

ST: not ones that arent dying

ST: what were you asking him about

DH: the strange typing quirks

DH: apparently they do it either be annoying or because they simply like it better

DH: he typed lIKE, uHHH, tHIS

DH: or something similar

ST: i have always wondered about those as well

ST: ive met a couple humans who seem to have quirks


DH: Her internet must have died again.

-- stethoscopeTinkerer [ST] began pestering dancingHealer [DH] at 18:46 --

ST: oops

ST: looks like my interenet had a blip there

DH: Germany really has bad internet, doesn't it?

ST: that it odd

DH: anyway, another one tried trolling me, I trolled him with ABBA lyrics, and then we got into a discussion on musicals, of all things

ST: musicals

DH: yes

DH: He quoted Les Miz at me

ST: what is les miz

DH: Les Miserables

DH: I know I told you about this one

DH: I even sent you the 25th Anniversary's recording for your birthday last year

ST: oh that one

DH: yes that one

DH: he told me the title of it over there (essentially giving out the plot, apparently), and we dicussed the merits of the musical over the book

ST: so he was nice too

DH: no he was rather crass and rude

ST: oh

DH: but it was an interesting conversation

DH: Oh, and we talked about the Phantom of the Opera before he realized that he was an utter failure at trolling and stopped

ST: score one for penelo then

DH: I was really proud of that, actually

ST: heheh

ST: it has me thinking now

DH: the kids were bragging about Mama Penelo trolling the troll for weeks

ST: heheh

ST: how are they doing by the way

DH: They're doing fine

ST: thats good

DH: Kytes and Filo have taken up internet roleplay, though

ST: i have a box of knick knacks that i could probably send to them

DH: oh, they'd love that!

ST: i will do that then

ST: they have started somewhere safe i hope

DH: yes, that living journal thing or whatever

DH: a troll--I talked to her as well--taught them how to do it

DH: She was really sweet

DH: I never thought I'd meet a troll I don't mind the kids talking to

DH: but Tavros and aC are two that are kid friendly

DH: sort of

DH: I mean, they're trolls. But they're not intolerable

ST: i dont know how to feel about trolls

ST: or humans for that matter

ST: im always holed up here and those few times ive been out

ST: is usually only to see the worst of both sides

ST: but it just makes me feel strange

DH: How?

ST: im not sure how to explain it

ST: culturally

ST: from what ive read at least

ST: trolls are very violent and militant and they dont really try to hide that

ST: so its not like people stereotype when they talk about them in that way

ST: at least not for the most part

ST: but

ST: ive see humans do a lot of terrible things to trolls too

ST: sometimes unprovoked

ST: which makes me think in some ways they really arent much better

ST: but unlike trolls they are dishonest about it

DH: Migelo said that humans are like trolls, only so far in denial we're in Egypt

ST: i think migelo understands better than i do

ST: the think that is oddest for me though is

ST: when i see everything that has been lost to this war for both sides

ST: i know i should be sad

ST: and sometimes i get very angry

ST: but mostly im just left feeling a little confused

DH: Why?

ST: i guess in part because i know i should be sad

ST: but apart from the time um

ST: you know

ST: for you

ST: i havent been

ST: and i guess also because i just dont understand why this war is happening at all

ST: when its so counterproductive for everyone

DH: I don't get it, either

DH: Does anyone even remember what started the war?

ST: i have no clue

ST: its been going on for so long

DH: It's stupid

ST: it is

ST: but maybe

ST: things will finally end

ST: and the world can begin anew

DH: I think the only way that'll happen is if a giant meteor hit us

DH: and killed off most of the population

ST: that is terrible

ST: but okay i laughed a little

DH: Si, it's so ridiculous XD

ST: you never know

ST: but no you are right the chances of that happening are slim

ST: it would be really sad if that happened

ST: just as peace is slowly beginning to form

DH: it would

DH: that would be the worst

ST: things are bad now but not as bad as they use to be

ST: i think in maybe five or ten years we will see some really great changes!

ST: thinking about it actually makes me a little excited

DH: Maybe

DH: ...Don't tell anyone, but I'd really like to perform some troll ballets, because they're just so different

ST: my lips are sealed

DH: but no one will teach them over here

ST: thats too bad

ST: but i really do think things will change

ST: and i cant wait till im eighteen

ST: then i will finally be able to leave this place

ST: and we can do things together

ST: and i can go to cities and see these musicals with you

ST: and see you perform

DH: Oh! Did I tell you?

DH: I was chosen to dance Clara in our Christmas performance

DH: And we're going to Germany!

ST: oh really

ST: oh maybe i can try and convince granny

ST: its a longshot but

ST: ill try

DH: I will pay for your ticket if I have to

ST: thank you

ST: if not

ST: i can always try to sneak out

ST: i tried once and it didnt work but that was a long time ago

ST: stupid ed and al stopped me

DH: aren't they fighting, now? in the war?

ST: some people started bugging pinako about bringing them in

ST: and for her and me to build stuff to help in the war

ST: but she

ST: well she did her thing

ST: and they ran away

ST: and havent been back

DH: I love your grandmother

ST: she can be cool sometimes

ST: like that time hee

ST: most of the time though she can be pretty annoying

DH: that's grandmothers for you

ST: what is yours like

DH: I never met her

ST: im sorry

DH: It's fine. Mama says her mother was always sick, and Papa's died when he was little

ST: heh

ST: i had a silly thought

DH: oh?

ST: well i dont know who my parents are

ST: and you dont know who your grannies are

DH: bene

ST: it just popped into my head how fun it would be if we had been real sisters

DH: You would have been more fun than my brothers, that's for sure

ST: aw so mean to your brothers penelo

DH: I love them, but they were pains growing up

DH: I miss them

ST: i think being a pain is mandatory for brothers and

ST: they loved you to

ST: i dont remember them all that well but

ST: i could tell

DH: Si, I know

ST: i think i should be going now ed and al need a little maintanence but

ST: i will pester you later or tomorrow pen

DH: Ciao, Winry!

-- stethoscopeTinkerer [ST] ceased pestering dancingHealer [DH] at 19:34 --
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