λ ~ Head Canon

Nov 20, 2009 17:19

All of this was posted in this meme so I figured it might as well be put on her journal.

.one. Sometimes Winry really does wish she had killed Scar. Lmao what a one to open up with--kinda feel I should move it but oh well. It isn't so much because I think she's a person who is murderous. Definitely not, but more because she realizes that yea--Scar was detrimental in helping save Amestris but what if he hadn't been? What if hadn't carried that knowledge of how to make the counter-circle? Then he would have just been the guy after Ed and other state alchemists, and because she had been too,as she sees it, weak and cowardly to pull that trigger, others would have died.

.two. Above everything else. Above her friends. Above her grandmother. Above even the Elrics, Winry loves her parents and she has by no means gotten over their deaths, even after all these years. She shares a connection with her parents that she thinks she will never find in anyone else, and that she doesn't even feel with the people she considers her brothers. In a way this acts as a huge deterrent for her in creating stable relationships. She's managed to almost achieve them with the Elrics and Pinako but that's about it. While she is an incredibly friendly girl she will always keep people at a distance until she gets over her parents.

To some degree Winry might, while subconsciously, be deliberately keeping herself from forming close relationships with others. Especially after finding out how gruesomely and unfairly they had been killed, she has a sort of 'survivor's guilt' thing going on in which she thinks she is being unfair to her parents by living and being happy while they 'suffer'. Her religious views I'm still a little uncertain on, but I think the uncertainty of that all (since she is above all, a woman of science, and yet with the proven existence of souls she isn't sure how to interpret that) makes her worry a lot about what has happened to them.

.three. Continuing on with her parents, what she fears most is shaming them. In all honesty I think she's almost unhealthily obsessed with them, and over-idealizes them. After all they died when she was about 6 and in the line of duty, so she never really had to chance to pin her own views against them or see learn of their flaws. More than anything she wants to be how she truly believes they were. Intelligent, strong, pure-hearted, calm, pacifistic, reasoning. This is what Winry strives to be like, while at the same time knowing it is impossible for her. The fact that manga!Edward told her that her hands were not hands that killed, but rather saved, just makes her feel all the more pressured to live up to these impossible expectations.

But Winry is not like her parents. She has a huge temper. She is a fighter. She is naturally driven to protect, even if it means doing it in violent ways. While she would like to think that everything can be solved in a peaceful manner, she simply isn't the type to believe that. She's lived through enough things to think that life sucks and it's survival of the fittest. Compromising her ideals and dreams with doing what she feels is right and fighting in the war is one of the things I look forward to the most with SC!Winry.

Especially since, as far as she is concerned, joining will mean she has failed her parents.

.four. [RP only] I know that is it canon for her to be in love with Edward Elric, but I just cannot see them that way, and to a degree dislike seeing them that way. One of the things I love the most about FMA is how deep and beautiful all the platonic relationships within them are, especially the familial relationship between her, Edward, and Alphonse. I see her more as a sister to the Elrics than a S.O for either.*

I guess I should add that doesn't mean I'd never play them out together. Just that she wouldn't come into any game with those feelings already set, despite how late in canon I usually play her. It would just need to be developed like any other ship might be--though as a whole while I do get lots of ships I rarely ever play them out. Just a personal thing.

When I bring Winry into a new game I try not to ignore canon completely. I still keep in mind the train scene where she realized she loved him, and my reasoning for her not thinking she does anymore is as follows: First off just because she isn't in love with him romantically, it hardly means that the love she feels for him is any lesser or greater than what it would have been had she felt so. I'm always bothered by the common assumption that romantic love is somehow greater than any other kind of love--familial or otherwise. For roughly two years Winry had had very little contact with Ed and Al, and once the series starts she begins to see much, much more of them than she had in a long time. Absence makes the heart grow fonder and all that, so her feelings for both Ed and Al were brought to light much more strongly than they had for a long time.

To add to that this realization comes shortly after she thought she was almost going to lose them (parallels to Ed and Al leaving much like her mom and dad leaving) and when she had just tried to kill someone and they still accepted her. Especially considering how adamant the Elrics are about not taking or using lives which they carry throughout the entirety of the manga that's a pretty big thing for them to sweep under the rug. So I say it was all these things combined that made her feel a little overwhelmed by him, and led her to think that her love for him was romantic.

REMEMBER. I do acknowledge this contradicts canon. I know it's true love and that they marry and make babies (which you totally know Winry had to tie Ed down for, no way a dork like him made the first move). I simply prefer to play them platonically.

.five. Winry doesn't like storms. She isn't afraid of them, but they make her very nervous and uncomfortable because of all the bad memories they bring.

.six. ...well this probably isn't head canon xD; but yes. Winry can be very tsundere. She can be quite the hardass at times, and if anyone points out that she is 'nice' or compliments her in a way she's "sdfjiosfi" then hit them with her wrench. Just ask Al.

.seven. [RP only] If Winry thought Ling was serious about his proposals, she might say yes. Not because she loves him (though I can see that too) but because it could be simple. Winry doesn't think about marriage much, and I don't see her as being romantic at all. To be honest it's a little hard seeing Winry in a relationship. I think she sort of takes after Pinako in maybe having some flings here and there once those hormones kick-start, but nothing too committed. However she likes Ling a lot, and while she doesn't really understand him, still holds respect for what he wants to do. And heck. He lives in Xing which despite the clan wars is a lot more peaceful than Amestris, and as Empress she would never want for anything material.

Still, it's up in the air. Surprisingly I don't think she would really care about having to share him with 50 other women (especially if she doesn't love romantically) but in a way the inter-family wars are just as bad as state wars because---well they are family. Also I don't think she would be very happy with the royal life. She grew up in Rizenbul and for all her crazy-gaga love for the Tech I think she still really appreciates nature and simplicity in all it's glory. She would probably feel to confined, and she's sure that there is no way that Xing would approve of having an Amestrian Empress.

Not to mention she would miss Ed and Al like crazy.

.eight. [RP only] As some of you may or may not know, I plan to make Winry here at SC a lesbian, or at the very least bisexual. I've always seen her as bi myself, with perhaps inclinations to men. That's just me though :| Nothing in canon indicates this.

...well. Except for her no-so-secret affair with Schiezka in the first anime but.

.nine. WINRY WANTS CHILDREN. While she is okay with never marrying, she wants children, and as many as she can have. I see this as her way of trying to recreate the relationship that she had with her parents that was stolen from her at way too young an age.

I mean. Definitely not anytime soon, but yea xD

.ten. She has a sweet tooth.

.eleven. Blame this on the clips of that new Wii game but I see Winry as liking music and theater a lot. Maybe almost as much as automail but she's embarrassed about it so she doesn't tell a single soul. I'd have to dig up the clips again, it has been ages but if I recall correctly Winry directed some plays to entertain a princess of one of the neighboring countries while she was in Amestris. Funnily enough in both plays in the clip I saw Ed was cast as the villain xD It was all in Japanese so I don't know the details, I should look for it again.

.twelve. She likes Ling's hair. Like a lot. Like a lot a lot. She likes long hair, and really, really likes to play with other people's hair, even if she doesn't do much to her own.

.thirteen. I recently found out that the reason Winry said she prefers taller guys was because when she was a kid, she once saw a movie where a girl had to stand on her tip toes to kiss a guy and she thought it was romantic. I think that's really cute and sweet, and before this I never really pictured Winry as much of a romantic at all. I still don't to be honest but it kind of does fall in line with one thing I've thought of her--and that's that while she doesn't really think much about sweet things like that for herself, or being in a relationship, she does when it comes to other people.

She is really happy for other people in good relationships, and can find them cute. I can she her being a bit of a shipper. Back in C&C she and some other FMA kiddos use to share an apartment and got into soaps...it was going to be played again in SC but we never got around to it. Winry would be the one who would be a closet fan--make fun of the others for being into something so corny and overly-dramatic but be just as into it as anyone else.

So...idk. In a way she is a romantic, in a way she isn't. She has better things to do than get involved in relationships, doncha know.

.fourteen. But on that note she totally has a mild girlcrush on Riza. Come on, she's awesome. It's nothing too serious though, more incredible admiration than anything else.

.fifteen. Winry really does like cute things! I think this is usurped by her more tomboy interests but the omakes, which I know shouldn't be taken that seriously, do hint at this. After all the advice she gives to Al when he comes to her for help on girls is how they like cute things like 'animal ears'. She's pretty found of animals in general, and given how attached she has become to Haze and Evelyn in SC (bunny plushies given to her by Kurapika and Edward respectively) I'd say she has a soft spot for that stuff. It's a bit hidden, but it's there.

.sixteen. Speaking of girly--how girly is Winry? She's definitely a tomboy. We've seen her obsessing over automail right next to a girl obsessing over diamonds so it creates a pretty stark contrast. She really hates being thought of as delicate or different in anyway from a guy and can be a little sensitive and quick to fight if she thinks someone is judging her based on her gender.

I wouldn't say she's the kind who is really completely against "girly" things though. She doesn't mind skirts, she doesn't mind dresses, she likes to get prettied up and pampered if the occasion calls for it. As mentioned before she really loves sweets and cute things but she just really does put work, comfort, and practicality before all that so she wouldn't wear anything that would get in the way of any of that.

There are some things she really doesn't like though--such as makeup, and gaudy jewelery. Frills or sexy clothing are a no, no for her.

.seventeen. [RP only] Winry doesn't like horses. Or rather any riding animal (horses, chocobos, camels, etc). This started out as a joke in TST where I had Winry trying to cross the Badlands on a chocobo and it was giving her a hard time. She finally ended up just eating it. Uh. Yea.

So in canon it has translated to her just not liking horses despite growing up in a village which was pretty much all farmland. I can just imagine Ed and Al trotting along while Winry is screaming, backwards on her horse that is galloping out of control.

.eighteen. Trolololololololoooo

.nineteen. One sure fire way to get a good amount of respect out of Winry is simply to be passionate about whatever you do. Even if it's something she herself isn't all that crazy about (I'm looking at you, magic-users) as long as you love it and are very hard-working she will respect and like you lots. She just can't help but admire that sort of drive in a person.



*Damn you Zephy and your pretty icons too /shakes fist


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