Life is good and then you die.

Jan 06, 2006 02:57

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1) How long would protectorofnone dating _stateofmind last? Forever.
2) How many monkeys could clumsy_safi fight at once and win against? At least twelve.
3) If solidloyalty took over the world, who would be happy? The world.
4) What song/movie would you recommend to letsnottalkofit? The Godfather.
5) Would chaotic_slayer and loyal_andbitchy look good together? No, they'd look hot.
6) Is prophecy_boy friends with notaskingmuch_? Nope!
7) Does loyal_andbitchy have a big secret? Uh huh. She's got a thing for my guard.
8) Where would letsnottalkofit most like to visit? My bedroom.
9) When did you last call andi_parker? Too long ago. I need to give her a ring.
10) Does prophecy_boy drink? I don't think so.
11) If seriously__dude commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? No one would be dumb enough to follow him.
12) If loyal_andbitchy had a superpower, what would it be? X ray vision to check out Rafe with.
13) Is shoot__first single? And looking, Unfortunately, not at me.
14) Is baaad_italiano an emo? Not that I know of.
15) Does _parttimelover smoke? Yes.
16) What would solidloyalty give latinoitaliano for his/her birthday? A good stiff...drink.
17) One quality you find attractive in shoot__first? His courage.
18) If _parttimelover took over the world, who would suffer? Everyone.
19) What would andi_parker think of prophecy_boy? She'd screw him. Once.
20) Is baaad_italiano 1337? No.
21) Is pyrokenetic_ athletic? He can't fight or anything, but he has a gorgeous body.
22) One thing you can't stand about prideandbeauty_? I only get one?
23) Is neverstopmoving popular? He would be if he stayed in one place long enough to make friends.
24) What exotic animal would pyrokenetic_ like as a pet? Anything but a cat. I want a dog.
25) Are afriendlyoutlaw and alwayshonest married? Yes. And they have sex constantly. ::looks at Arianna::
26) Does letsnottalkofit know _dramarama_? They might have met at the wedding.
27) What do you disagree with protectorofnone about? Her brother's hotness.
28) Is letsnottalkofit a high school student? No.
29) Which of your friends should notaskingmuch_ go out with? American Gina.
30) Would you wrestle leone_alesato in jello? I'd kick his ass.
31) Would you make out with notaskingmuch_? No. But I'd make out with his brother.
32) Is _parttimelover related to you? No.
33) Where did you first meet baaad_italiano? I don't remember.
34) Where was chaotic_slayer born? Los Angeles.
35) What animal should notaskingmuch_ be combined with? A bear.
36) What animal does solidloyalty remind you of? A stallion.
37) What planet should prideandbeauty_ be from? Uranus
38) Are pyrokenetic_ and _parttimelover going out? ...God, I hope not.
39) Does _stateofmind do drugs? Not anymore.
40) If seriously__dude was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? Me.
41) Do you have a crush on prophecy_boy? Sometimes.
42) What would leone_alesato do differently in your shoes? He'd die.
43) What would you do if neverstopmoving died? Cry a lot.
44) Have you ever dated baaad_italiano? Ew, no.
45) What languages does neverstopmoving speak? English.
46) Do you have shoot__first's screenname? He doesnt exactly have a computer.
47) What is _parttimelover allergic to? Intelligence.
48) Would afriendlyoutlaw go out with chaotic_slayer? Not if he's married to Dan.
49) Would you set up pickedfromvine and looksdeceiveyou? No, too many egos.
50) If latinoitaliano and afriendlyoutlaw were spliced together, what would it be like? hotness.
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