[As Aqua leaves house 39 today she is carrying a bottle with her. Kairi had recently told her about how she had put a letter into a bottle and it somehow managed to find its way to Sora, and Aqua found the idea rather sweet. She's only now able to set the idea into motion since the draft and recovering from said draft put it on hold, among other things. So with her own bottle and letter sealed inside it, Aqua heads for the river that runs through the village. Maybe her bottle would find a way out of the barrier, maybe not. But even if it didn't, maybe her words would still find their way to the person who it was intended for.
I keep waiting for the day when the three of us can be together again under the same stars. It's been months now since we last were able to see you, and even then it was only for only a short time. For now I'll just have to keep waiting until our paths cross again. And I know they will. We'll always find a way back to each other because our paths have forever been intertwined. Because we all carry with us our unbreakable connection, remember?
You just have to keep walking forward. Always keep walking forward.
- Aqua.
She holds the bottle tight to her chest for another moment then kneels down beside the river and lets it drop into the water. Even if it doesn't find Terra, it made her feel a little better. Wherever he is she knows he'll be all right.
After it's drifted out of view, Aqua heads for the main plaza to just wander around and think. Maybe even stop and sit at the fountain for a bit. Either way, feel free to catch her anywhere if you want.]
(ooc: Backdated to evening of the 14th!)