Nov 28, 2004 11:34

be cause of the "bad" waether on thanksgiving the HK game was moved to friday. i got there at 4 30, for a 7 00 game, to set up our tailgating. i had this picture in my mind of a nice sized grill with full hambergers grilling, i get there and ask where the grill is and peter pulls out this little blue bag, near to raging at this point we set up the grill on cement blocks we "borrowed" from the construction site other wise known as our school. a few more people stopped in with drinks and we started up the grill, or at least tried. you'd think out of the 8 of us one person would have a lighter or matches, but no, who brings a lighter to talgating witha fucking grill!!!!!, so stupid. finally we snaged some matches, turn up the propane and threw one on, pause, then nothing. i went to push it more towards the center, with my finger being the genious i am, and at that moment there was ignition and lift off. i must have jumped backwards at least 4 or five feet. things finally looking up we asked pete to bring out the patties, well lets just say one can only hope for so much from pete, he pulls out a package of ground beef, not patties, ground fucking beef. theres another ten minutes of robbedy making his "perfect" paties, we had about five on the grill an a few more in line. after like 10 or 20 minutes, if that, we went to flip them, except no one brought a spatula, as you can see now we really thought this one out. pete tossed me his pocket knife and i started, excuse me attempted to start, flipping the mounds of meat. i used a little technique i like to call the stand and turn, unfortunetly robs skills in pattie making and our lack of mechanical aid brought the patties for the most part to break apart and fall into the charcoal. after the first flip attempt we had about three burgers left and didn't feel like flipping them again so essentially we threw em on the buns, yes we actualy brought some, and hoped to loving god that they were done enough. i ate about half of mine and gave up, then proceeded down to the field to play my oh so important roll of stat boy, some one kill me. we won though, like 48 to 8. despite the disaster we called tailgating, the night was most enjoyable, and were definetly gunna do it again next season.

oh yeah and casey is the coolest chick ever
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