I don't think Arche really has developed much of an opinion on Jack. They need to talk more often. =0 She does need some cheering up after all~
As for Natalia, she considers him to be far too carefree. She's not completely over the 'Snow in Zao Desert' episode, still sort of waiting until there's some sort of global malfunction in the case that some monsters might riot or something. But other than that, she has come to respect Jack quite a bit, and actually enjoys talking to him. =D
Natalia's been having a hard time since the V-Day virus. It was TOO REAL. 8/ She liked the idea of being with Guy, and even now, it's still in her head. WHAT WILL ASCH AND LUKE THINK. She's honestly trying to make more of an effort to be kinder to him, and the fact that he's more royal than she first thought, really has been pushing the thought of them being together further up in her list of things she wants to do. Even though at the time, she's really having a hard time deciding who she really loves. Even when the ordeal between Guy and Luke happened, she refused to believe for even a moment that Guy had anything other than good intentions for Luke. Which, goes to show how illogical she can be.
As for Jade... Well, it's same as always. His theory was correct about Guy being nobility, and it goes to show JADE KNOWS EVERYTHING. But he has more respect for Guy now than he did before.
For Duo, Jade finds him rather amusing and is impressed with his hacking skills. Someone to joke around with, and possibly complain about the others and come up with ideas to restrain the others. They really do need to talk more for Jade to develop a bigger opinion on him. But for now, he believes that they can get along rather well.
As for Quatre... He can tell that Quatre means well and finds him to be very intellectual. A breath of fresh air after the group he had been traveling with.
And for Natalia's opinion of Quatre, she wishes to speak with him more on what could happen to the Zao Desert ever since the 'IT'S SNOWING IN THE DESERT' episode. It's been on her mind lately, as she's afraid there might be some sort of sudden epidemic. @_@;;
Haha, that they did. And I love your Tenten, by the way. ♥
Well, despite the fact that Akabane killed all those people, Jade has an odd sense of respect for him. Although Akabane's death did not upset him in any way, he did feel a slight loss of someone he could actually have had a decent discussion with. Now that Akabane's back, Jade will hope that he kills no more people, but that's his only concern.
And when he heard Akabane was fighting against Luke in the tournament, he was a little on edge. ^^;;
Haha, well, I do love Tenten, and I believe your characterization is perfect. I'd take up Ino if I were up-to-date with the series~
Well, Jade's not really the type to keep up a pleasant conversation, so talking with someone who can openly talk about death with him is a rare luxury. Most of the time, Jade makes fun of the person as soon as he gest the chance.
Comments 49
Unless I'm forgetting someone
I don't think Arche really has developed much of an opinion on Jack. They need to talk more often. =0 She does need some cheering up after all~
As for Natalia, she considers him to be far too carefree. She's not completely over the 'Snow in Zao Desert' episode, still sort of waiting until there's some sort of global malfunction in the case that some monsters might riot or something. But other than that, she has come to respect Jack quite a bit, and actually enjoys talking to him. =D
Oh? ^^ Linky?
LOLZ, aww well least she doesnt mind talking to him then.
Haha, no, she doesn't. I really need to get her to socialize more.
Natalia's been having a hard time since the V-Day virus. It was TOO REAL. 8/ She liked the idea of being with Guy, and even now, it's still in her head. WHAT WILL ASCH AND LUKE THINK. She's honestly trying to make more of an effort to be kinder to him, and the fact that he's more royal than she first thought, really has been pushing the thought of them being together further up in her list of things she wants to do. Even though at the time, she's really having a hard time deciding who she really loves. Even when the ordeal between Guy and Luke happened, she refused to believe for even a moment that Guy had anything other than good intentions for Luke. Which, goes to show how illogical she can be.
As for Jade... Well, it's same as always. His theory was correct about Guy being nobility, and it goes to show JADE KNOWS EVERYTHING. But he has more respect for Guy now than he did before.
...lol Jade.
You can't argue with facts. ♥ Jade is very perceptive apparently.
But c'mon. Duo and Quatre. 8]
For Duo, Jade finds him rather amusing and is impressed with his hacking skills. Someone to joke around with, and possibly complain about the others and come up with ideas to restrain the others. They really do need to talk more for Jade to develop a bigger opinion on him. But for now, he believes that they can get along rather well.
As for Quatre... He can tell that Quatre means well and finds him to be very intellectual. A breath of fresh air after the group he had been traveling with.
And for Natalia's opinion of Quatre, she wishes to speak with him more on what could happen to the Zao Desert ever since the 'IT'S SNOWING IN THE DESERT' episode. It's been on her mind lately, as she's afraid there might be some sort of sudden epidemic. @_@;;
Wish I could say more. ^^;;
But hee. ♥ Quatre would like to talk to Natalia again, and he'd happily offer anything that could happen.
And have her take things too seriously and send out Guy to make preparations for every event~ Sounds like a plan.
Also, my other characters are Vincent Valentine (emo_with_a_gun) and Tenten (weapons_fetish) just in case XD;
Well, despite the fact that Akabane killed all those people, Jade has an odd sense of respect for him. Although Akabane's death did not upset him in any way, he did feel a slight loss of someone he could actually have had a decent discussion with. Now that Akabane's back, Jade will hope that he kills no more people, but that's his only concern.
And when he heard Akabane was fighting against Luke in the tournament, he was a little on edge. ^^;;
Heh, it's good to know that Akabane can at least please someone with his conversations. Perhaps they can have another one sometime. :3
Well...don't worry. They didn't beat Luke up...too badly... <.<;
Well, Jade's not really the type to keep up a pleasant conversation, so talking with someone who can openly talk about death with him is a rare luxury. Most of the time, Jade makes fun of the person as soon as he gest the chance.
Just enough for Jade to make fun of him, I hope~
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