Title: Summer's Light
engel_sehnsuchtPairing: Belldom
Rating: U/G
Summary: a walk in the park
Feedback: loved
Warnings: nothing
Disclaimer: I don't own Matt or Dom, and all of this is, sadly, fiction.
AN: For the wonderful
shuralove - happy birthday, again. ♥ I hope you like this.
They strolled through the sunny park, hand-in-hand. Sun filtered through the leaves of the trees overhead, the leaves protecting them from the full glare of the bright sun. A light breeze blew, gently stroking their hair, but it wasn’t cold. The sunbeams glittered on the surface of a small pond, around which families were sitting, couples out having a picnic with their young children. The sight brought a smile to Dom’s face, and he turned to his partner.
“That’ll be us soon.”
At Dom’s words a broad grin spread across Matt’s face. Matt reached for his boyfriend’s hand, lacing their fingers together and squeezing his hand. Under the canopy of trees they watched the families playing in the sun: one father playing football with his two children, a mother pushing a child on the swings of the park. They glanced at each other, happiness shining in their eyes. Slowly Matt stepped in front of Dom, wrapping his free arm around the blond’s waist, his other hand still holding Dom’s. He gradually closed the distance between their lips, pausing before pressing a gentle kiss to Dom’s mouth. A spark seemed to jump between them as their lips met, the spark that had been there since their first kiss. Both men smiled against the other’s lips, their happiness something beyond words. With another squeeze of Dom’s hand Matt pulled back, revelling in Dom’s beauty, accentuated by the sun. The rays played on his hair, accentuating the light gold against the darker hair curling slightly at the base of his neck. Grey eyes sparkled, illuminated with happiness, and the sun threw shadows below his cheekbones. Bright white teeth shone from behind parted full lips stretched in a happy smile. Matt couldn’t help but smile back, pressing a soft kiss to Dom’s cheek before he was pulled into a hug. They stood in the shade of the trees, the sun warming them where it broke through the blanket of leaves, and held each other, neither wanting to ever let go.