Title: A Christmas Tradition
engel_sehnsuchtPairing: Belldom
Rating/Setting: 18/NC-17
snowpremacy Prompt: Matt and Dom - both single - meet at a mutual acquaintance's Christmas party. They get a wee bit drunk and have sex. Later that night they part ways and don't see each other again... until the next year's Christmas party hosted by the same mutual acquaintance.
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Comments 9
Yes yes yes this is just fantastic I love it so much! You've done amazing, darling. Thank you so much for this! <333333
(Sorry I have no more words I'm just flailing about right now)
He quickly tapped out the text on his Nokia brick, his shaking fingers almost too weak in the cold to press the buttons, sent it, and waited.
It's a little thing, I know, but I really the like the reference to the size and weight of old mobiles.
“Then I remembered, it’s our Christmas tradition. And traditions can’t be broken. So I’ll just have to fuck you hard, bent over the bed.”
That's right, Matt. Traditions are important. *nods solemnly*
“Now that we’ve got that sorted,” Dom said, breaking off their kiss to breathe, pressing play on the speaker system, “time for the annual fuck?”
“Fuck. Yes.” Matt replied, punctuating his answer with soft kisses.
Love the ending.
This was marvellous!
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