Thanks to everyone who's been leaving supportiing messages. I'm really sorry my posts have been such downers, but you know... homesickness... Today I kinda feel like I wanna go back home, tho the idea of having to get on a plane again is such a drag that I just go "meh, let's go see the Capilano Suspension Brigde today."
Thursday was shit. I think
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Comments 15
I hope eventually you feel safe there - I don't know what Vancouver is really like but I assume violence is an anomaly and not the norm there (unless you're mixed up in something). After knowing you I do not take being able to walk around my neighborhood at 3AM without seeing another soul for granted.
Glad you're exploring and treating yourself a little bit!
This is not a violent place. I normally don't feel like I'm gonna get murdered, but the homeless people do make me feel a bit uncomfortable... mostly because I'm scared of being rude to them... Oh, and I DO hate the smell of pot.
Yesterday was a lot of fun at the Capilano Suspension Bridge ♥
I needed that "adventure" in my life.
Es bonito escuchar a los potheads de mi escuela criticando a Calderón y quejándose de la violencia y regalando calcomanías de "No+ [mancha de sangre]". Y por bonito quiero decir "chinguen a su puta madre". xD Er, sorry, también ando un poco sensible y te entiendo. :/ *hugs*
Por otro lado, me alegro de que andes conociendo lugares y de que con todo y el jamaicón te la pases bien. Ya pronto comenzarás la escuela, como dicen arriba, y tendrás más distracciones. Te quiero mucho. xoxoxo ♥ No te me achicopales, alégrate por las buenas nuevas. ;)
Yo tambien siento algo bien parecido :/ es como que "vato, si te vas a quejar, hazlo por un ideal politico, no nomas porque extranas poder ponerte hasta el coco cuando se te antoje".
Puro hedonismo wey. Pinches cabrones.
Yesterday tho... I was THIS close to punching a middle-aged dude on the face after hearing him tell his middle-aged lady friend "You're in Vancouver, you're supposed to smoke pot!" And I am NOT a violent person.
I dunno about Canadian press but the American press does an awful job of covering what's going on in Mexico - I find out what's going on mostly through you :\ and I'm actually into the news...if she's not into it then there's no way she would know what's going on.
I think at some point of a similar situation happens again, it would help your case just to explain what's going on and that's why you're not comfortable with it.
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