Worst part of this thing is Im having a major fangirl moment...yeah and psp is my new favorite toy. I like psp than the other thing but hey too each their own...so yeah...
So yeah my infatuation with Till has gotten worse o.o should I go to the psychatrist yet!?
So with that said and done I shall present to you yet ANOTHER banner...if you want to use it copy paste as is and just remove the spaces and crap :D...
< Center >
< ahref= http: //www.livejournal.com/users/engelkitty/13013.html >< img src="
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v287/ChristophSchneider/BetterCreditmeBitches/anotherbannergeez.png" border=0 >
Holy crap! Its another Till is "Teh secks" banners!
By< lj user=engelkitty >
< /center >
Use it but dont abuse it bitches!