Golden Week

Apr 29, 2011 07:42

Well Golden Week has begun here in Japan. What is Golden Week you might ask, well it's a series of holidays at the end of April and begining of May, that give you almost a week off straight.

Here's the breakdown (for this year):

April 29th: Showa Day, from 1926-1989 it was the Emperor's Birthday, but a when he died it was named Greenery Day and then in 2007 Showa day to recognise the former Emperor.

Apr 30 & May 1st: weekend

May 3rd: Constitution Memorial Day, recognizing the signing and enactment of the current constitution which was signed on May 3rd 1947

May 4th: Between 1985 and 2007 it was a holiday because May 3rd and May 5th were holidays, and the law was that a day between 2 holidays would also be a holiday. However when they renamed Apr 29th as Showa day, they moved Greenery day to May 4th.

May 5th: Children's day, a day to respect the personality of children and celebrate their happiness (however it is more focused on boys, girls do have thier own day).

May 7th & 8th: weekend.

So basically I work 2 days over the next week (Monday and Friday). Hopefully I'll be able to get together with some friends and enjoy the time off (even though I've barely worked a month yet). The next big holiday time will be Obon in August.

I'll do my best to let you know what interesting things I end up doing over the next week.
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