New pictures!
The first six pictures are from the second project we've been working on in class; two book covers to illustrate one story. Both have to have the same general design, but the colour scheme has to be radically different between the two to evoke two very different moods. The story in question takes place during Carnival-time Venice, and concerns the journey of a young women to meet her lover.
These are all rough costume designs that I never bothered doing anything with. I used a big fat felt-tip for the linework and the rest is coloured pencil. I quite like them (or at least elements of them) so I'll probably use them for something else.
Colour roughs and final pieces for the project. I changed the composition a bit for the final designs; the initial sketch has a big empty hole in the middle, which strikes me as poor use of space, so I moved the woman and the gondolier into a more central position. The finals were painted with gouache, which I found very frustrating. I've used gouache tons before, but I've never applied it so flatly and without blending. I like the effect achieved when you use it like this, but it's counter-intuitive to how I normally work, so it was something of a learning process, i.e. maddening. As a result, I got fed up and rushed them a bit, and there are tons of little things I should have fixed. But I won't! You can't make me, no sir.
Some quick biro sketches I fired off today as I started the new project, which involves somewhat more conventional narrative illustration. We've been given three short stories and have to select a scene or element from one which we'll work into a full piece. The first picture is from a story about a fountain with a medusa-like effect, so that's an unfortunate young lady who has turned to stone after taking a short dip. The second picture involves a frightful man who breaks the hearts of widows, in this instance by convincing his best friend's bereaved wife that he committed suicide because of her.
And that's your lot. Good day!