Oct 17, 2011 01:38

Name: Nail Amal
Home Planet: Cityscape

Nail Amal is the fifth of nine children, born to a couple that owns and operates a junkyard and repair service on Cityscape. She grew up hearing voices all around her, saying they were broken, sometimes shouting it, sometimes just screaming in pain. For years, her brothers and sisters and even her parents believed she was simply crazy and it was all in her head. The only person that believed she could actually hear the voices was her grandfather Alim Amal.

When she turned thirteen, Alim took her to meet some other members of the Forsaken. Amazed by her innate ability, she was granted membership and got help dealing with the voices from them. She had been hearing the broken machines in the junkyard crying for help. She could hear machines. If they were in good working order, they were silent or emitted happy sighs, if only slightly broken, they whimpered. If badly broken, they screamed, demanded relief.

It didn't stop the voices, nothing did, but she found others who understood to talk about it to, and who could teach her to fix the broken machines. Finally, someone understood that she wasn't crazy.

Another ten years later, spent learning and adjusting, a spaceship came and landed in the junkyard. A crew was using it as a rendezvous point, and their transport was broken. Alim and Nail found them, and after being informed by her that the ship needed repairs and what those specific repairs where, without even getting within ten feet of the ship, they asked her to join the crew. Aware that she could climb the ranks of the Forsaken easily if she could research alien technology, Nail joined them.

Three days into their maiden voyage as a complete crew, they were shot down to a planet and hunted by reptilians. After dispatching their hunters, they found a ship hidden in an underground hangar. Unlike other machines, Nail found she could carry on an actual conversation with it; It was intelligent. The ship had an AI they dubbed Hermes, and the ship became the Wings of Hermes.

From then on, the crew undertook odd jobs to keep their ship and operations afloat. Nail concentrates on her research primarily, while keeping the ship in good working order and maintaining and upgrading her and the rest of the crew's equipment.  She keeps her ability and her affiliation with the Forsaken a secret.

They have taken on a number of "missions" as a crew so far: assassinating a cultist at a Republic official's wedding, capturing a bounty from a cultist drug lab, and scavenging a lost prototype warp drive engine from a frigate taken over by an alien tentacle monster.

The warp drive was especially noteworthy, as it is supposedly the prototype and first of its kind, while Nail knows there is a smaller version on the Wings of Hermes. She found the larger warp drive had space big enough to hold a person inside. This is made even more disturbing at the realization that the tentacle monster, due to examination of the broken warp drive after defeating it. was actually part of the engine. She developed a theory that "Hermes" is actually a person somewhere on the ship, and that the "AI" is actually his consciousness. And she's terrified that he will someday become a monster and kill them all horribly.

Nail is currently trying to use her good standing with the Forsaken to obtain some way of contacting the designer of the warp drive engine "prototype".

Mission Events of Note:

While assassinating a cultist at a wedding, Alim witnessed Nail on Misery's arm. He assumes the two are a couple and regularly badgers her about his great-grandchildren.

After fending off a psycher attacking Joi Nerus' warehouse of "product", Misery discovered that Nail has latent Psycher powers. This is, presumably, where her ability to hear machines comes from. She was overjoyed at the news, loudly proclaiming "I'm really not crazy!"

On the scavenging mission for the Forsaken, Nail befriended a Husky dog named Amy. The dog follows her everywhere.

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