NLC3 - The Ring Legacy Gen 1 Pt 4

Apr 11, 2010 18:15

Welcome back to the Ring Legacy!

The One: OMG! It's been so long between updates that I haven't eaten in weeks and I'm absolutely staving!

The One: I'm still looking good, though.

I forgot to take toddler pictures of Narya last time, so here she is in all her cuteness.

Toddler skilling...'re doing it all over the place.

I bought this painting for the kids' bedroom because it reminded me of Enduring Love by Ian McEwan.

Only I would think that a picture reminiscent of a novel about a psychiatrically unstable homosexual stalking a married man following a tragic death in a hot air balloon accident would be appropriate decoration for a children's room.

New Fix-It Lady: Oh joy! I finally made it into a legacy picture. * swoons *

I guess the twins are having a birthday.

Sit back and relax. This is actually going to take a while.

Moebius: I have eaten all the available blocks. I shall now move onto the wooden figures in this here dollhouse.

Woo! Moneys! Not a same day payment but at least it's income.

Lookit that! Babies being born all over the place! There are more kids than that, but they've grown up to child or teen so they were out at the time I looked around.

I promised Carrie a picture of her self-sim's daughter. This is Kiera.

Molly kept rolling the wish to eat Goopy Carbonara in the park so in the end I gave in and let her do just that.

The One: My stinky daughter is in the way of me changing her stinky nappy! Did I mention that she REEKS!?!?!?

Narya: I stink and Moebius and Solar told me what happens to toddlers who stink and WAAAAAAA!!!!

The One: * spins Narya somehow managing to spin each ponytail in a different direction *

Narya: * is scared and dizzy *

Moebius: * plots *


Narya: I think I feel my bowels beginning to move...

Moebius: Welcome back my little red wooden friends!

Narya: Ahhhh... There they go...

That fascinating little interlude is now over and it is time for some birthdays.

Solar grows up outside while supervising his sister's learnings.

While Moebius takes a couple of minutes longer even though he had help from the cake.

The family resemblance is definitely there.

Solar: OMG! Even though we've been able to talk for days we haven't actually been able to speak to each other for some strange reason. My favourite colour is black. What's yours?

Moebius: This is kinda awkward but... pink! I'm actually really old fashioned and recognise that it wasn't until Queen Victoria's reign in England that pink began to be considered a girly colour. Prior to that pink was considered to be a strong, masculine colour because of it's close association to red while blue was cosidered to be soft and feminine.

With the history lesson over, Solar goes to hang out on the slide.

Moebius: How am I looking? I'm still cute after mum cut my hair longer, right?

Moebius: I'm totes awesome!

Random shot of Molly being all BFF with my self-sim.

I initially forgot why I took this pic and then remembered that it was part of me absolutely not stalking my self-sim and not going over to find out that her son is called Dermid.

What is a sim childhood without a muffin?

Not a very fulfilling childhood, that's what it is!

Solar managed to choke down his burned muffin. I thought you were a bit more full of win and wouldn't burn it, bb!

I appear to have a slight obsession with Narya and her bowel movements...

I had so many pics of her on the bog that I had to cut out most of them.

Molly went over to visit Carrie's family to see what they were up to. That's Gabe, Carrie's husband's self sim. And there are way too many possessives in that sentence!

Inside, Carrie and Kiera were busy with reading and homework.

Time to start making friends by making yourself look ridiculous.

LOL @ Carrie!

Looks like someone needs to practice the athletic skill. Playing tag with Kiera has exhausted poor Carrie!

And since I was looking at Carrie and Kiera I totally missed what Molly said to offend Gabe!

I burst out laughing at this. Apparently Carrie was trying to be subtle about checking up on Gabe and the new family friend. So she insisted that she had to read her book right next to them while standing up.

Meanwhile, back at home, Narya does something absolutely unnatural and probably painful.

I didn't know they could bend like that!

I sometimes regret giving them the slide. Children seem to be absolutely addicted to it.

Wake up. Go slide. Come home from school. Slide. Eat dinner. Slide.

What about bettering your mind through learnings?

The One rescued Narya before she could cause herself permanent damage through bending into unnatural poses.

Apparently if you leave a sim at home for too long they go stir crazy O_o

Just a random image of Molly catching a butterfly. In the night. Because that absolutely makes sense.

And one of Narya, because she's absolute pixellated cuteness.

Solar rolled his lifetime wish really early. He wants to max his painting and writing skills.

I have no idea what kind of book a child would write, but Solar wants to be the youngest published author ever so who am I to deny him?

Of course, the education of Narya would not be complete without Moebius passing on his block eating know-how.

Learning to walk with daddy.

I smell a Daddy's Girl!

As always, homework is HARD!

I think I'm scared of that goldfish.

The One found the bodice ripper Molly had hidden in the back of the bookshelf.

Apparently it got him in the mood for romance.

Definitely in the mood for romance.

Though apparently romance is dead... She went to relax, he went to sleep. Maybe next time, Molly!

Solar: I'm way too small to get her out. But at least she stopped screaming.

Narya: You are my bestest friend in the world, teddy.

Apparently my game hates me. This is a BOY!

7pm homework party!

Molly: Cookies, anyone? You kids look like you could use some.

What a kind and considerate mum!

I don't think she's quite ready for "the talk" Solar...

The One took up painting. Though I can't say that he loves it. He started that picture and then didn't go back to it until I forced him to days later.

Definitely a Daddy's Girl. I know that it's probably a function of Narya being a toddler while the twins are older, but most of the autonomous child-related actions seem to involve Narya.

7pm found Moebius floating on a remote hillside. Reminds me of Arthur Dent's girlfriend whose feet didn't touch the ground. For the life of me I can't remember her name right now. It was something starting with F, anyway.

Birthday time!

Narya: *sparkle-spin*

Cuteness personified!

See you next time!

ts3: ring, nlc3

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