"mutant melting pool deluxe"angrygraysmokeMay 8 2007, 18:46:04 UTC
Oh my God, do you realize what this means? Greenpoint, and perhaps even whole blocks to the north of Williamsburg, are HIGHLY FUCKING FLAMMABLE!!! Just think of it: if we planned this right, we could wipe out upto a FIFTH of their forces by sunrise! We'd have to evacuate the villagers first, though. Know anyone fluent in Polish?
Re: "mutant melting pool deluxe"engulfedMay 8 2007, 21:28:42 UTC
maybe hipsters burn at abnormally low temperatures. we could lace all the pbr with some sort of boiling-point-lowering contaminant if that wasn't totally improbable abuse of the laws of chemistry ie. not possible? i think we'd have better luck concentrating the hipsters into a tiny tiny location at flammability central, bill it as 'free shitty myspace guitar band shittier beer & even shittier coke night with free haircuts by epileptic puppies with scissors' or something
Re: Lace the PBr3 insteadpara_cymeneMay 9 2007, 03:06:09 UTC
It's called an azeotrope, a constant boiling mixture that can either raise or lower the b.p. Mix in some diethyl ether, it boils at 35 deg. C, although I don't know the b.p. of the azeotrope, I do know that they will at least explode when they light their Parliament Lights. If you don't like that idea then give them all the free absolute ethanol they want; the alcohol-water azeotrope, 95% ethanol 5% water, boils at around 78 deg. C, and if they don't immolate themselves they will die of alcohol poisoning.
Comments 5
We'd have to evacuate the villagers first, though. Know anyone fluent in Polish?
we got taken to lutece
i drank three gin and pepsi's
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