Aug 13, 2005 21:35
It's all so odd. People are taking this WAY too seriously, i hope you, and all of them, realize it's not like that at all.
Jul 31, 2005 11:24
I'm just at jessi'es house, without jessie, but waiting for people to get on anyways. Maybe i'll switch to my sn. Nah, it's not like i talk to very many people. Plus the person i want to talk to is at work, and it's not jessie. haha.
Jul 26, 2005 23:20
Things like this never make me psycho...why now?
Jul 26, 2005 21:55
Yeah, it happens, I'm just sorry it is.
I'm really starting to settle into this "group", if you will. I like them. It makes me feel like i have a life outside of people that annoy me.
I like weighing 98 lbs.
Jul 21, 2005 09:43
Saltine crackers for breakfast...greattt. heh.
I usually weigh 101 lbs but now i weigh 97.5 lbs. i lost 3 and half pounds yesterday. Crazzzy
Jul 21, 2005 00:01
I need a shower...especially after all the water and sweat and gross sweaty guys rubbing all over you, heh. I can't wait til tomorrow so i can shower..!!
Jul 20, 2005 23:39
You're a great person, i don't know what to think really. Thank you.
What a day. It was very eventful and very...amusing..? Just everything in general was great, even getting dehydrated and almost passing out. It was well worth it.
Jul 19, 2005 11:00
So there isn't much to talk about. Might go to frosty mug with the only people i hang out with anymore. Not that it's a bad thing, because it's not.
I'm just being anti-social this summer. =) Which doesn't bother me one bit.
Why are you still talking to me, i really think you'd get the hint by now that i don't like you...maybe not though..
Jul 17, 2005 23:42
Omg, on my myspace account i have 69 friends. That rocks. heh.
Boredom is taking a hold of me. I have a new sn. If you want to know it just ask me on enid2007