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Jun 15, 2014 15:20

Happy second birthday, Welcome to Night Vale!

Wheeee, holiday was great. Here's a much belated holiday report.

Thanks so, so much to
elz for hosting me and showing me around New York, and generally hanging out with me and being an awesome friend.

Also thanks to Ana and Cecilia for hanging out with me, showing me their favourite parts of NY, and helping my geocaching endeavours despite the searing sunshine, even if we weren't able to share in the joy of a found cache.

The WTNV show was awesome, and both the cast and the public were amazing. I wore my best purple violet tunic and my kitty tights (I got mine from LadyDinah's, but they're out of stock there now). I'm clamping my mouth shut like an oak door against all the spoilers crowding it, but you can already hear the first part of the show as a podcast episode.

The weather was beautiful, and I got to wear the summer dress from Stockholm that had been sitting forlornly in the wardrobe since last year, and I remembered what "too hot" and "too bright" even meant. Not complaining for a minute. It was great.

I feel like I spent most of the time in Central Park, and it was time well spent.

I got to indulge my love of being high - altitudinally speaking - in both Top of the Rock and the Empire State Building. From one I saw the city in the searing sunshine, from the other in the not-quite-pitch-black night light. Gorgeous views.

I did more geocaching, and found some cute caches along the way, and even met a few fellow geocachers on the hunt. :D Dad got into it as well, and he even found the first cache we were looking for before I could even poke around the location for it. :P

All was not smooth sailing, as in another geocaching location I had a disagreement with a rock about relative stability and safe climbing approaches. I... did not win. It wasn't a smooth, fist-sized river rock either. Ow. Luckily, I had my water bottle to wash away the worst of both dirt and blood, and we found a pharmacy near enough. I still bear scratches and a rather large ugly bruise on my left ankle. It is possible I may learn something from this.

Having seen The Winter Soldier, I followed up with training as a SHIELD agent at the Avengers S.T.A.T.I.O.N. (I have the certificate to prove it and all ;-) and came home with a Winter Soldier of my own. ;D

And yes, as I must remind
mumble: I got to touch Thor's hammer.

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