
Sep 01, 2005 09:01

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Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) Would vebba go out with zpiff? ja, deffinitivt:P
2) What do you disagree with langbein about? that he is a bad sucker( suge på kjærlighet):P
3) Have you ever dated zpiff? no
4) Does miiaa drink? yes allot:P
5) What would higen give langbein for his/her birthday? en stor pappekse med en liten lekebil inni
6) Are banansniffern and ladyibon going steady? no, she is dating sabotender.
7) Have you flirted with higen? no, i don't think so:P
8) Is ezzben a college student? no
9) How long have you known akakroz? not long
10) What would you do if vebba died? i don't know, but i would be sad
11) Would ezzben be a better ninja or pirate? pirate
12) If ladyibon had a superpower, what would it be? she would be one of the animated people:D
13) What is ladyibon's favorite color? a very beautiful one
14) What is amm0's favorite game? paradis
15) Does higen have a crush on miiaa? ja!:P
16) Does aneceline smoke? sometimes
17) What do you agree with bredholy about? that he is a good dancer
18) If ladyibon took over the world, who would suffer? no body
19) What is aneceline's favorite band/artist? sorry i don't know
20) What is zpiff allergic to? bad girls...
21) What exotic animal would banansniffern like as a pet? a big fluffy tiger
22) How would sabotender conquer the world? he would say, i'm the boss, and then it would be that way:P
23) Where would babymus most like to visit? paris
24) Do olaav and banansniffern go to the same school? no, olav is not going to any school.
25) Has zpiff dyed their hair? yes, one time
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