browsing through myspace i found a random perosn, picked a random blog, and wow. yes.
i think matt and dong will love this, hah, of course theres you people who will be like "go to hell" but hey, its my journal, dont read if you dont want to.
Current mood: i quit
i piss my self off so much at times and for what? i get my self all heated up about shit that is really stupid, pointless, and for fag emo kids. thats one thing. all this pussy-footn pussies out there saying they are "ROCK STARS" with your bad hair cuts, your silly presence of a "retro-hipster", your stright edge crybaby additude, and your song that all sounds the same as every thing out there. you band sucks and needs all new band mates in it cause you guys suck balls. heres lookin at you bert. big old fuck you.hey don't cry about your silly girl friend dumped you, you are still passing math. you don't have to go and cut yourself with your dad's razor blades, and what ever you do don't pull out your gun. only pussies need guns. just be a man for once. take a stand and quit cryin. you all piss me off.
hahaha.the shit that is happenin at the park is funny. the shit got too into it and now is hopein for something new to happen now. no hard feelings but this shit sucks. i would like nothing more than to brun the shit-wave park down and piss on it all. just don't get caught in the flames eh. the shit for me goes deeper that just the ramps being shitty. for me it marks a (comeing of age) end of a era for me. a time where you had to work for a session. you had to build your own ramps, find some ones dad who welded so you could get a flat bar. "SKATE" around this town for hours a day just to find new shit to skate, and there was no park to go to. now there are a few who are keepin the dream alive ( and i am not one of them) and to those and you(you know who you are. you show up at the park with no car just your board your stinky shirt cause you have been SKATEing to get to the park and all the shit along the way to the park and your shitty got no pop skated to hell skateboard.) i say this to you....... you are the shit and the best one out in btown. you are the real thing.
now i know that what has just been said might piss you off today but this shit pisses me off everyday and every hour so you can go swim with the sharks that live in water.i don't care about it any more like i said i quit. i have had it and am takein a stand. you wil take this way to far and read way too into it but thats why i wrote it. so go and cry and trun up you shitty emo fag musick in your room, cut yourself with a blade and get a "ride" to the park, pull out a gun a shoot me cause i pissed you off....DAMN CRYBABY.
heres the link to the blog, check it out amen brother
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